This week we are going to keep looking at squadrons. This week we will talk about all the rebel squadrons and then next week we will look at the Empire, we got a lot to talk about this week so let's dive in.
A-wings have always been my favorite fighter in the rebel squadrons its just so versatile. I have run just 4 generic a-wings in a lot of my rebel list to great success, and that was before 1.5. With the changes in 1.5 the a-wing is even better tie up squadrons and get some counter attacks in or use your black anti ship die to plink on a few extra points of damage they are just so good and if your a rebel player taking even just 4 generic A-wings will do wonders for you especially in 1.5.
Green Squadron
I just never felt like going from counter two to counter one just to gain bomber was worth it and I feel that is is particularly true in 1.5 I would say just stick with generic A-wings over this guy.
Tycho Celchu
Tycho's ability with intel the way it was used to be kinda meh, but now man he will be able to put himself where ever you need him to be to be a hindrance to your opponents squadron ball, also has the bonus of just ignoring squadrons while attacking a ship so you need that one damage to get through Tycho is not a bad option he is solid and will get the job done whatever that job needs to be.
Shara Bey
Counter 3 with crits doing damage is even more gross in 1.5 now that squadrons have to attack you to move away no more intel. She will really work her way though a squadon-ball her Tycho and a few extra squadrons will just make an opposing bomber wings day a really bad one.
They are still good not quite as good with the nerf to Yavaris, but if you can get them to where they need to be they will hit hard. They are a bit slow, however in 1.5 if you have a few A-wings that tie up the opposing squadrons and send in a few B-wings to do some bombing that seems like a pretty solid and very versatile squadron wing.
Dagger Squadron
is basically a B-wing with a bit more consistency against squadrons so I am not sure what is not to like.
Ten Numb
Okay so he is no longer insane with Yaravis and Adar Tallon, but is still very good he wants to be in the squadron fight and if you can get his ability off it can still be devastating particularly when paired with Adar Tallon. He is still great just not bonkers good.
Keyan Farlander
I think he might have a place in a medium squadron complement to help supplement its anti-ship firepower without investing in bomber command center, however you are paying 6 more points anyway so I am not quite sure how I feel about this one but I think he is at least worth considering in a medium complement as the heavy hitter.
So Snipe 3 is what makes the E-wing interesting, its seems like it could be a good option in a medium fighter coverage build to use its snipe to help thin out an opposing squadron wing without getting into engagement and then break off when needed to to go on a bombing run, its red dice really could use some help from bomber command center however. It is also worth noting that Yavaris does quite a bit for these guys it can push them up to snipe 4 or get two red dice and if you are not aware of what two red bomber dice can do particularly when backed up with Bomber Command Center (BCC) you need to play against some hyenas.
Corran Horn
Gets Rogue and snipe 4 but clocks in at 22 points he is good but if need a rogue to round out your list there are better options right now for just a little bit more, however he is still very solid and being able to attack with 4 attack dice while staying out of engagement is going to be really nice, however it's always worth it to spend one more point to get Lando.
Lancer-Class Pursuit Craft
they are in essence a squishy Y-wing with grit and rogue for 5 more points, they are just a little bit to squishy particularly with things like raiders flying around. Its possible the grit is very much worth it and if they are attacking these guys they are not attacking your ships especially with the new gunnery teams so they might be worth a look to round out a squadron complement, but I would be careful.
Ketsu Onyo
Her ability got worse she basically just slows down grit squadrons, it did not see much use in the past and with 1.5 its near completely useless so that ability should get a rework or she might need a price reduction. With all that said you never really saw her for her ability but for the 2 blue bomber dice she is also rogue is is a good way to round out a squadron complement and while space is limited she still a fine choice.
Strategic and Relay 1 mean in the right list his guy will do a lot of work for you. As long as you are going to utilize one of its abilities its always a good choice it's so hard to kill and can dish out a decent amount of damage in the squadron game.
Hera Syndulla
I really liked her before 1.5 and now I have mix feelings, I used to use her to give 2 non rogue aces rogue in a ace rogue ball, or do some fun stuff with E-wings. Now I am not 100% sure how I feel about her. I think she pairs well with a lot of other aces, but will she in 1.5 be worth it now that you can't have a 6+ ball of rogue aces? Its hard to tell, as the rebels can just take an 18 point ship to gain more squadron pushing power I think she might be out on the sidelines, but she might have a niche to fill in the right list.
They are not a bad choice now 5 hull is a good amount to chew through in the squadron game particularly when paired with Jan, and four anti squadron dice is nothing to laugh at ether. Yavaris can give you the double red die attack and when paired with BCC can really get you a good amount of damage, out of them.
Rogue Squadron
Loses Escort and gains Rogue is a good choice if you need a cheep rouge particularly if you have BCC
Wedge Antilles
He is one of the aces that pairs well with Hera as she lets him go theoretically after everyone is activated making his ability easier to trigger and getting 6 anti-squadron dice is just really nice, you also get the better black bomber dice as well so he is a solid all around ace.
Luke Skywalker
He is fine and fun I think the main issue is that while you are getting damage to the hull the rest of your fleet still and to get past the shields if you get the right crit it can be very nice but that is not a sure thing especially against ships with a contain he is fun, but I just can't recommend him.
Biggs is beast him with a few X-wings and Jan will really make it hard for a squadron ball to get through in 1.5 he is probably one of the best aces in 1.5 when you build around him.
They are fine hard to kill bombers you can't ask for much more than that they are really fun to push with flight controllers and Toryn Farr basically 6 hull tie fighters with a black bombing dice is really nice and gun heavy however really makes them dependent on other squadrons or advanced transponder net to help them have a bigger impact in squadron combat.
Gold Squadron
If your taking Y-wings this should be the first Y-wing you take the double blue bomber dice is just such a significant improvement over just a black and you also lose heavy.
Dutch Vander
Very good squadron to pair with Hera and or Wedge, he can help keep a non scatter ace from activating fairly reliability, and that can really tilt the squadron game into your favor.
Norra Wexley
Her ability to give bombers a crit effect is amazing and she will help any bombers really tear into ships she is great in a medium or heavy fighter wing, with lots of bombers.
Z-95 Headhunter
They are pretty bad I am sorry, they are best used to round out squadron list particularly if you have an odd number with just that little extra firepower like if you have 5 squadrons squeezing in a z-95 is probably not a bad idea to give you just that little extra firepower, they are not something to be run en masse I have had some success with 4 and a few X-wings, but that is about the most I would ever take in any list. Maybe now that 1.5 make it easier to tie up squadrons you could take just a small wing of just Z to offer as sacrificial lambs to the squadron list you come up against, but I mean A-wings are just such a good screening fighter and can even chip in against ships it really comes down to points I guess but A-wings are worth every extra point you spend on them and then some.
Lieutenant Blount
Because Z-95s are not all that good en masse it makes Blount's ability a little lackluster as only Zs and Dagger squadron have swarm, not to mention he now takes up limited ace space in list building he does have a scatter so I mean maybe you could throw him Shara, Tyco and Ketsu for a really annoying and hard to kill fighter screen, but there are just better points.
Well that's it for rebel Fighters doing a separate write up about rogues and Villains kinda threw me off so if I missed a fighter please let me know but I believe I covered them all. Next week we will look at the Empire and until then have a great week!