Well here we are I almost missed it, but its been a year since starting AMM, It kind of feels longer not going to lie, but here we are a few puny titles and badly written articles, it's been a full year of that. I don't believe I have missed a week since starting I think I had one or two that did not end up coming out on Monday, but pretty good track record for a blog I just do as a hobby really.
I stared AMM really for two primary reasons, First I love Armada and I love contributing to the community, second The community at the time was struggling because lack of content. AMM though not official by any since of the imagination was meant to be a constant consistent source of armada content.
I have really appreciated the support I have received, in doing this as well from several community members. Getting weekly content is not the easiest thing to do sometimes, with working a full time job, my wife, running the local weekly game night, and TOing most of the local tournaments, family etc, but it has been really fun.
AMM will continue to be a consistent source of armada content for the foreseeable future. I hope to continually improve and give the community better and better content as time goes on. I appreciate the paticances that has been given particularly to my spelling and some grammar, I have tired to get better and in part the reason AMM is a blog instead of other medium is a self improvement factor. Long story short I have struggled with it my whole life and found out in Jr. High that I was Dyslexic (which is just about the hardest word to spell Ironic.)
Believe it or not I have improved, but I still thank everyone for their patience.
But this is enough about my and why I started AMM just lets take a look back and a look forward for AMM.
My very first article on the blog was the first Instalment of a kind of series called the good the bad and the ugly and I looked at cards that where underused and talked about if they were good, bad or niche/ugly. I may do another one of thoughts, but we will see I thought they were kind of fun.
The most popular article at least according to views was my Rougey wings (about rouge E-wings yes the puns we are getting there) It had 220 views just two more than my what will happen to the meta with RitR article. Most articles now on the sight are breaking 100 views very often and its not much, but it much better than some of the earlier wright ups.
I pride myself on coming up with at least somewhat catchy or punny titles, I am not always able to do that but I think my favorite one that I have come up with was my article about Jonus "We would be honored if you would Jonus." I know I am not even a dad and I kill myself sometimes.
So lets look ahead what does the future hold for AMM? Well AMM at its start was meant to be discretionary, promoting community engagement, and it has done that to its humble degree. However recently I feel that the articles have been more of me telling the readers things rather than a topic to prompt discussion and community involvement, and I want to get back to that.
I hope over this past year you have enjoyed AMM. If for nothing else then its consistent armada content, and I look forward to another year of consistent and even improved content. Primes are starting soon I will be excited to see what will happen, wave 8 is just around the corner, and Nationals at the LVO will happen in January I am hoping to be able to attend it. Exciting time to be playing armada, until next time have a great week!