We have the AMG Miniature extravaganza this week, and I assume we will more information about the upcoming wave of clone wars and possibly a peak at what is to come. I do think the near future will largely be about Clone Wars Factions, and with things slowly getting back to normal I will start to have more play time with Clone Wars factions and ships so things on AMM will largely be focused on the Republic and CIS for the next little while. So with that in mind I wanted to give a parting nod to the Empire and Rebels. So lets just look at some lists that I have had fun with in 1.5 from both civil War factions, lets start with the most ridiculous.
CR90 Corvette B (39) • Mon Mothma (27) • SW-7 Ion Batteries (5) = 71 Points
CR90 Corvette B (39) • SW-7 Ion Batteries (5) = 44 Points
CR90 Corvette B (39) • SW-7 Ion Batteries (5) = 44 Points
CR90 Corvette B (39) • SW-7 Ion Batteries (5) = 44 Points
CR90 Corvette B (39) • SW-7 Ion Batteries (5) = 44 Points
CR90 Corvette B (39) • SW-7 Ion Batteries (5) = 44 Points
CR90 Corvette B (39) • SW-7 Ion Batteries (5) = 44 Points
CR90 Corvette B (39) • SW-7 Ion Batteries (5) = 44 Points
Squadrons: • Shara Bey (17) = 17 Points
Total Points: 396
I don't think I have enough corvettes to run this on a physical table, but let me just say this list is fun. 8 activations is pretty crazy and they are all combat ships. The best part is whatever you roll is damage if nothing else this list is very consistent with damage. With a con fire you should get 3 damage from each attack and that can really start to add up. Is it going to be hyper competitive probably not, but that consistency is really nice. If you are looking to try something unique and different this fits the bill, Also MSU is far for dead.
ISD Cymoon 1 Refit (112) • Grand Moff Tarkin (28) • Intensify Firepower! (6) • Gunnery Team (7) • Sovereign (4) = 157 Points
Arquitens Command Cruiser (59) • Engine Techs (8) • Reactive Gunnery (4) • Quad Battery Turrets (5) = 76 Points
Arquitens Command Cruiser (59) • Engine Techs (8) • Reactive Gunnery (4) • Quad Battery Turrets (5) = 76 Points
Gozanti Cruisers (23) • Comms Net (2) • Reserve Hangar Deck (3) = 28 Points
Squadrons: • Colonel Jendon (20) • Maarek Stele (21) • 2 x TIE Interceptor Squadron (22) = 63 Points
Total Points: 400
This is a pretty stock standard Tarkin build, but it works and its nice to see Tarkin getting some playtime. You have the gozanti to shoot the con fire token back to the ISD to trigger gunnery teams. It has a simple yet versatile squadron complement, and with QBT the Arquitens will hit a lot harder then you think particularly if you double arc with it and spam con fire. Arquitens speed 1 with an always engine techs thanks to Tarkin, and sovereign; even when you are dialing in a con fire command. I expect so see different variations of this list be quite competitive.
Starhawk Battleship Mark II (150) • Kyrsta Agate (20) • Expert Shield Tech (5) • Walex Blissex (5) • Local Fire Control (4) • High-Capacity Ion Turbines (8) • Linked Turbolaser Towers (7) • Unity (10) = 209 Points.
GR-75 Medium Transports (18) • Munitions Resupply (3) • Boosted Comms (4) = 25 Points
GR-75 Medium Transports (18) • Toryn Farr (7) • Parts Resupply (3) • Boosted Comms (4) • Bright Hope (2) = 34 Points
Squadrons: • Lando Calrissian (23) • Ketsu Onyo (22) • 2 x YT-2400 (32) • Nym (21) • Gold Squadron (12) • 2 x A-wing Squadron (22) = 132 Points
Total Points: 400
This Is an updated version of a list that I really liked it was 6 aces all with rouge thanks to Hera. However with the change to the ace cap changes needed to be made. The idea is the same give your opponent almost no option but to attack a salvo crazy ultra durable Starhawk. It still works really well hide Nym in an astieroid and with Toryn Farr fish for the crit to strip valuable targets of their brace and the Starhawk double arch will do the rest. Use the squadrons to clean up any lose ends and you will almost always come away with a good margin. Toryn Farr and LTT are enough re-rolls in most cases, but you have the con fire token from Munition resupply if needed and engineering tokens to move/regenerate shields with from parts resupply. Its a strategy that is a bit risky, but baring a really bad squadron game where you lose everything and take almost nothing, and objective shenanigans you will always come out on top.
ISD Kuat Refit (112) • Darth Vader (36) • Skilled First Officer (1) • Boarding Troopers (3) • Electronic Countermeasures (7) • High-Capacity Ion Turbines (8) • External Racks (4) • Relentless (3) = 174 Points
Onager Testbed (96) • Orbital Bombardment Particle Cannons (5) = 101 Points
Arquitens Light Cruiser (54) • Slaved Turrets (6) = 60 Points
Gozanti Cruisers (23) • Parts Resupply (3) = 26 Points
Squadrons: • 4 x TIE Fighter Squadron (32) = 32 Points
Total Points: 393
So with the death of avenger this list looks to bring something to the table that can kind of do what avenger used to do. The Kuat is loaded to bring is side arc to 8 dice with HCIT, Ex-racks, and a well timed con fire command thanks to Skilled first officer and Relentless. You will use boarding troopers to exhaust important defense tokens hit with 8 dice out the front with a Vader re-roll. Then hit it with 8 dice out the side with a Vader re-roll. It the ship is not dead after that I will likely not have any defense tokens left making it easy pickings for the Arquitens or Onager. This is in all honesty the best use I have found for Vader commander and simply because of that I like it, and it can compete as well. It might not be top tier, but it gets Vader to the table, and if you like rolling buckets of dice this is a good list for you.
Assault Frigate Mk2 A (81) • Kyrsta Agate (20) • Walex Blissex (5) • Boarding Troopers (3) • Reactive Gunnery (4) • Spinal Armament (9) • Paragon (5) = 127 Points
Pelta Command Ship (60) • Lando Calrissian (4) • Intensify Firepower! (6) • Disposable Capacitors (3) = 73 Points
Nebulon-B Support Refit (51) • Skilled First Officer (1) • Auxiliary Shields Team (3) • Quad Battery Turrets (5) • Salvation (7) = 67 Points
Nebulon-B Support Refit (51) • Skilled First Officer (1) • Auxiliary Shields Team (3) • Quad Battery Turrets (5) = 60 Points
GR-75 Medium Transports (18) • Hondo Ohnaka (2) • Munitions Resupply (3) = 23 Points
Squadrons: • 3 x A-wing Squadron (33) • Shara Bey (17) = 50 Points
Total Points: 400
This list is by far my current favorite rebel list. I love agate Paragon, I have always from the days of wave I wanted to make paragon work, and now it finally works. The pelta is super annoying to kill with the change to evade and lando. Nebulon-Bs with double brace and an evade stick it to onagers, and salvation can hit pretty hard. The squadron wing is versatile, but is mostly for keeping other squadrons tied up. Boarding troopers makes Paragon's attacks really awkward to deal with or just straight up gets rid of tokens because of the pressure put on tokens by other ships making Paragon deadly. If I had to bring a rebel list to a tournament it would for sure be this one.
Imperial II (120) • Admiral Piett (22) • Emperor Palpatine (3) • Weapons Battery Techs (5) • Reserve Hangar Deck (3) • Reactive Gunnery (4) • Heavy Ion Emplacements (9) • Linked Turbolaser Towers (7) • Sovereign (4) = 177 Points
Gladiator I (56) • Ordnance Experts (4) • Assault Concussion Missiles (5) • Demolisher (10) = 75 Points
Gozanti Cruisers (23) • Admiral Chiraneau (10) • Parts Resupply (3) • Reserve Hangar Deck (3) = 39 Points
Squadrons: • Colonel Jendon (20) • Maarek Stele (21) • Mauler Mithel (15) • Morna Kee (27) • 2 x TIE Interceptor Squadron (22) = 105 Points
Total Points: 396
I really like Piett, and I have been running some variation of this list for quite some time. HIE on the ISD paired with ACM on the Gladiator is a scary combo, factor in the MMJ combo and you have a lot of damage coming your way. The squadron ball is capable of winning squadron battles against larger squad complements, and is very durable. Admial Chireneau lets Mauler do his thing and/ or lets Morna or Maarek get out of engagement to go on a bombing run. The list just gels really well each individual part enhances the other parts and I just really like that in fleet builds.
So this is my temporary goodbye to the Civil War factions As I will have a lot to do with both the CIS and Republic. Break down ships and squadrons and find builds that work. So for now this is farewell to the civil war.
I am very excited for April 16th and talking everything for a spin. Until next time have a a great week.