So here we are at the last the final evaluation of 1.5. We are going to talk about some stuff that I am really excited about 1.5 and some stuff that I am just a little disappointed in and just overall impressions. So with that little intro for today lets dive in.
First off, LOVE the evade change. I am super excited to get my raiders back on the table they have always been one of my favorite ships and I can finally justify them again. Off course this change has helped other small ships be a little more survivable the ability to discard a token to effect an additional die if the attacker is larger then you can really be a matter of life and death far more often than you think. It also help bring salvo in line a little bit and makes the Onager a little less crazy against the small guys. This change might be my favorite change in 1.5.
Intel change is also nice, now you cant just ignore my squadrons that I bring. Its really nice because the squadron game is no longer the drastic all or nothing it used to be. I think bringing a fighter screen is almost mandatory now, and this really puts the emphases of fleet battles not squadron battles or capital ship battles but fleet battles capital ships and squadrons, again this is a change that I have even asked for and I am so glad it is here.
Commander reworks, some got completely reworked like ozzle, others just a price adjustment like Leia and Tarkin, or subtle changes like Garm and Tagge. I will say as soon as I have had my fun with the Republic an Separatists I am going to find a way to make Tagge work I will do it. However I am said that some commanders did not get a look at and that's really my first disappointment we will talk about.
General Dodonna has been in the unemployment line ever since Agate took his job. He desperately needs a rework. If you want him to stick with his ability I think chaining his ability to be a special crit that each ship and squadron you control gains would be a step in the right direction. This would allow squadrons to bypass contain tokens, and ships could bypass it without having to take a special crit so not terrible. However I really think the rebels want and need a dedicated squadron commander Sato is like indirectly squadrons and Rieekan is kind of the same. It makes sense for Dodonna to be that commander he coordinated the battle of Yavin. Like make him give squadrons an extra die while attacking or have them be able to re-roll a die or squadrons at distance 1-3 of you gain rogue at the start of the squadron phase or something he needs some kind of change and needs it bad.
Madine I am sad that he did not get looked at. I feel that he could have used a price cut or gotten some tokens on his card he could use to trigger his ability or something, maybe they have a fleet support coming out call fuel resupply or something that gives ships nav tokens if that is the case totally understand why he did not get a rework, so I guess time will tell.
Darth Vader, I think they are hoping the increase to leading shots will make him more appealing, but I still really think he needs to come down in price. His ability is fine, but he is competing with himself as an officer so he needs to come down in price at least 6 points down from where he is, but the fact their is a one point officer of variant that is just so good does not help; Darth Vader is really killing himself.
Some upgrade got updated in 1.5 and we have talked about them, but I am disappointed as it seams a lot more cards where nerfed then cards where buffed, and I cant really go though all the cards I wished got a look at and brought up but here are a few.
Director Isard
She is terrible and needs an complete rework if she is ever going to see the table, honestly she is probably the worst/most useless upgrade in the whole game.
Fleet commands
I really wish the non-Intensify Firepower fleet commands got some love all fighters follow me I think is okay, but Shields to Maximum and Entrapment Formation could really use a rework of some kind to even make them viable options, even just a lower price would make them interesting with flag bridge, and honestly as much as I love IF it should probably be at least 8 points that is how good it is.
Point-defense reroute
its bad its has one very niche use on an SSD with LTT and Ravager with Kallus for some crazy re-roll pentanal, but that's it. It really needed a change to be playable give us an extra die while attacking squadrons at close range or heck just let us re-roll a die no matter what we roll on it, if that happened it might have seen play.
VSD titles
All except Harrow are overpriced not sure why these where not looked at, the abilities are fine just really steep price point for all of them.
This home one title needs a complete rework, its other titles are good as is however this is garbage.
Cluster Bombs
I was really thinking this might be changed to be 3 blue dice and become a non-recurring card that you had to spend a con fire or engineering token to ready, that at least makes it interesting. So would a price drop to like 3ish points.
I just want to be clear I really like all the changes that came with 1.5 in regards to upgrades, but I just wish that these guys I have mentioned and a few others got some love.
The ace Cap, I like and dislike this one is very mixed feeling for me. First I like that I will see more generics, but I am sad that I feel like a lot of aces are going to take a backseat to the “best in slot” aces. I wish that they simply put an ace point cap as I feel like this would give you the option of taking a few of the “best” 2-3 of them or about 4-5 of the middle of the road kind of aces. This change I think would have required points adjustments for the aces to really make it work, but it would have been so much better for list diversity, and I guess we can always look to the future as I think once the Clone Wars factions get rounded out we will be getting point updates for both Rebel and Imperial ships and squadrons. Overall I would say I am happy with this change, but its not the best way to handle it and hope it get revised once they can dive into re-balancing aces in general.
Overall I am loving 1.5 and everything it brings to the game. I do think it could have done some things better, but the game is still better for the changes that happened so I wont complain to much. I also feel that due to the living rules a lot of changes that I am hoping for can be easily addressed in that moving forward, and I feel even with the evade change something still needs to change with the Onager. We got the AMG stream this week so that is just exciting, and we got some wave ten spoilers and news as well so I look forward to what they are going to show us on this weeks stream. Until next time have a great week.