In the last AMM we went over briefly every card change and how that might affect the game. This AMM we are looking at cards who because of these changes they have likely gone up in value or at least seem to have the power to do well or make for an intriguing choice. Let's start with the slot that has always been one of the most competitive and I think the one that may have opened up the most the officer slot.
With Pryce, Bail, and strategic adviser all being banned from tournament play the officer slot has become one of the most open in the game. One of the cards who I think might be a possible overlooked X-factor in list building is Veteran Captain.
Veteran Captain did not get any direct changes, but the change to needing tokens to ready cards or needing a command to resolve card effects that originally did not need a command. Part of me wishes he was a card that started the game with a token on him and was an exhaust that could spend the token on him to get at least two uses out of him with a price hike up to 4, but as is he is a pretty solid choice if you need some flexibility with command tokens and don't want to pick up a fleet support ship as you no long “have to” to round out activation to can just take real ships with Veteran Captain. So I might keep my eye on this guy and during list building you find yourself needed commands to resolve effects, but you are not sure where they are going to come from keep this guy in mind. Veteran Captain is really the only generic officer that gets a buff, or nerf in any way, an argument could be made for hondo getting a nerf, but I think he still has great value just a little more risk reward due to mechanical changes, and with that let's go to the Empires officers.
The Empire has more expensive options for command token generation Namely Wulff Yularen, and Commander Vanto, and to a lesser extent Commandant Aresko, Commander Beck and Taskmaster Grint.
All these cards have increased value due to tokens and commands being more important to have on hand so I would look to see a lot more of these guys on Imperial ships. While we are talking about the Empire let's look at some other officers whose value has gone up.
Instructor Goran while never seen before 1.5 is likely to see some play now due to Intel no longer giving heavy and the squadron game becoming more of a scrum and less of a I'm just going to ignore you now they kind of have to attack you so counter becomes more valuable. I mean if you want to go absolutely crazy you can add danger and howl runner for counter 5 interceptors I think that might be more points then its worth. I can see Goran on a ship that wants squadrons around it to screen it, or a ship that is going to gun in after the interceptors to provide flack support like a gozanti or Raider. We got a few more Imperial officers to look at then we will get into the rebel side
Admiral Chiraneau is very much worth his points now especially when paired with other things that can boost squadron speed like all fighters follow me, or the title corrupter. He gives your squadrons freedom of movement and that is just going to be so valuable in the new squadron game. You will want to put him on an ISD or Quasar to get the most value out of him.
Captain Needa Evade is a better token so Needa has gotten better, that is pretty much all at needs to be said I will now give you some fairly significant damage reduction for just two points and because of that point cost and the evade change, and the point increases to Brunson he might start to take her place. Brunson is still better, but 9 points vs 2 is a very significant difference.
Iden Versio She has gotten so much better. First her wording is “when you resolve the evade defense effect. You can cancel 1 die at close range or distance 1” this means at close range you can now have your opponent re-roll one die and cancel another or if you are smaller and discard the token re-roll 2 dice and cancel one it's just better its more damage avoided. Second her secondary effect is now better particularly for MSU as raid is a little better now have your raider drop a raid token on an MC-80 with the new gunnery teams and now they are not shooting two of your other ships and you can just get out of doge.
The rest of the officers have pretty much stayed the same however Agent Kallus is the only one who's value slightly decreases due to the ace cap, however he is still quite good. You get to add dice while attacking the harder to kill squadrons is still good, and you get dice against unique squadrons even if they don't have defense tokens so he is still fine you just won't get his ability on essentially every single flak attack now. Let's look at the rebels now.
Ahsoka Tano goes up in value she give high command ships the ability to gain a bunch of tokens and see can change it to the token type that ship needs to resolve a card or ready one, it's really the simple.
Captain Rex Raid is better so Rex is better he can make it very hard for a ship to use for example gunnery teams while still getting its nav command or squad command in.
Lando Calrissians value goes up on larger ships as well now as strategic adviser is no longer a thing and admonition is not as good as it used to be lando on an MC-80 will be a very hard ship to kill and the slot is more free now for him to take that slot.
Raymus Antilles has some good value get a token to ready an upgrade card while still getting a full dial effect is really nice and with activation padding no longer really being a thing Raymus+Tantive IV support ship for tokens might become a thing.
Walex Blissex so we saw his value shoot up with agate, but now its gone up again particularly on small ships as now they can discard evades to effect an additional die with the evade effect if the ship attacking them is larger so Blissex makes it really essay for a ship to not think twice to do this and could provide really great value particularly with Mon Mothma and Foresight.
Lastly for the Rebels we have Wedge Antilles I spoke about him when we heard about the change to Intel he just give your squadrons the ability to move around a bit more in a squadron game that will have little movement once tied down. He is going to be really nice to help reposition squadrons during the squadron battle or get your bombers out of engagement.
The rebels really did not have anyone go down in value they mostly stayed about the same I guess you could say General Draven went down in value as Intel is less likely to be seen, but I think Counter will become a bit more common so I think it's a wash.
So that is it for officers next week we will look at pretty good chunk of the upgrades and after we get though that we will move on to ship and squadrons that have increased in value with the 1.5 changes. Hoping to get announcement about the second wave of clone wars sometime soon as well, until next time have a great week!