Continuing to look at titles you never see anymore, or in this case perhaps ever we are going to look at Insidious. What title is that you may find yourself asking well its the long forgotten title for the GSD that is not Demolisher.

Insidious is one of the cheapest titles in the game at only 3 points. Even at the price point the last time I can recall seeing it run in a game was when I ran Imperial MSU back in wave 2 something along these lines.
Gladiator I (56)
• Admiral Screed (26)
• Intel Officer (7)
• Ordnance Experts (4)
• Engine Techs (8)
• Expanded Launchers (13)
• Demolisher (10)
= 124 Points
Gladiator I (56)
• Ordnance Experts (4)
• Engine Techs (8)
• Assault Proton Torpedoes (5)
• Insidious (3)
= 76 Points
Raider I (44)
• Assault Proton Torpedoes (5)
= 49 Points
Raider I (44)
• Assault Proton Torpedoes (5)
= 49 Points
Raider I (44)
• Assault Proton Torpedoes (5)
= 49 Points
• 4 x TIE Fighter Squadron (32)
= 32 Points
Total Points: 379
When I flew it I only took it as I had a second GSD and points to spare, I do remember getting a few uses out of it, and it was nice to have in a few scenarios but not amazing. The biggest issue with Insidious is that it is doomed to forever live in the shadow of Demolisher, I have seen far more seventh fleet GSDs than Insidious across the table or even on my side of the table.
When playing Insidious you are going to want to get behind your opponent as quickly as possible to take advantage of your extra threat range, and so Personally Engine techs is a must. You are going to want to use this extra threat range to force activations before your opponent wants to activate that ship and in an ideal situation have them pick between taking a nasty shot from Insidious in the rear or even a more threading shot from something if it tries to escape Insidious range. You really want to sandwich stuff with Insidious giving your opponent no good choice. If you don't do this its going to be a lot harder to take advantage of Insidious's ability as its easier to escape than you might think, particularly smaller ships.

You can combined Insidious with things like G-8's and Tractor Beams, to make it harder for ships to escape its threat range, but that gets expensive pretty quickly. Insidious is not terrible and I would encourage you to take it if you are taking two GSDs I do recall a game with my MSU list where Insidious took a ship off the table that I would not have been able to do if it was not Insidious, as Demolisher was busy chasing something else down.
At the end of the day Insidious will always be in the shadow of its older brother Demolisher, and really outside of a complete errata of Insidious and/or Demolisher will change that. I mean even if Demolisher was change to a discard to use it would still beat out Insidious that is just how good being able to move than shoot is. It would require major changes to both cards, and who knows what the future hold's. If you are ever taking two GSDs I would encourage you to take Insidious and give the sandwich tacit a try, until next time have a great week!