I think that some players in armada really undervalue the power of command tokens, not all but I see some that command tokens remain forgotten. So I want to just talk briefly about command tokens and how we use them and their real value, and they can really matter as on turn one most of the time you will bank a token so it is important to learn how to use them. So let’s dive in.
Navigate tokens, are very useful for ships that don’t want to “always be navigating.” Most ships will go into combat at speed 2 and having the token to drop to stay in combat longer to finish off a straggler or jump up to 3 and get out of trouble so you don’t give up points. Having a navigate token on a ship that wants to be pushing squadrons or maybe using concentrate fire commands. A navigate token can save a ship when needed so don’t underestimate it.
Engineering tokens are also pretty useful. Most of the time you have a hull zone that you won’t be able to redirect damage to. With the token, it allows most ships to move those shields that are not going to get utilized the hull zone they will be able to be used at. This can be particularly useful for broadside ships. It can also come in handy on ships with 3 or more engineering to gain a shield back again this can help just like the navigate token keep your ships alive particularly ones that want to stay in combat.
Squadron tokens, are probably some of the least useful tokens unless you are a carrier to help you push even more squadrons, however, if you have a small group of fighters that you are probably only going to push once to engage your opponent’s squadrons having a token to activate one can be helpful, but this is like I said probably the worst token in the game unless you are that carrier trying to push that extra squadron.
Lastly, Concentrate fire tokes are I think very underrated. I have been experimenting with only using con fire tokens for re-rolls and I have had some pretty good success. If you understand what your average damage should be and save the token for when you roll below average sometimes that token is all you need to make things work out. Con fire tokens are very underrated and can be the difference between killing a ship and not.
A lot of the time you will have opportunities to take tokens, but having a plan on how you are going to use them and how to use them is key. You can really squeeze a lot of extra value out of your ships with the right tokens banked on turn one. Don’t underestimate the power of command tokens. How do you use command tokens? Until next time have a great week!