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Every Choice You Have Made... Has Led You to This Moment.

So I finally finished the enter Clone Wars series. What took me so long, well I first saw the Clone Wars movie in theaters when I was in high school, and I will be honest it was a pretty big disappointment for me and had no interest in following the series. After no small mount of encouragement I finally decided to give it a go, and right from the start of the series the feel was completely different from the full length feature that was released to usher the series in. So if you have been on the fence about he series I would encourage you to give it a go, and if you want to be spoiler free I would stop reading now.

In the final story arc of the Clone Wars Ahsoka confronts Maul in the Mandalorian throne room, and what takes place is one of the greatest seance and dialog in all of Star Wars. Towards the end of the dialog Maul tells Ahsoka “Every choice you have made... has led you to this moment.”

In nearly every game of Armada there is a climatic moment a culmination of all the upgrades taken all the maneuvers made everything. I am a firm believer in the idea that we are the architects of our own destruction particularly in the game of Armada. If they game does not go our way if we lose badly or don't win enough it was only the result and culmination of our choices. We can blame dice but in my personal experience if I really look back on some of my games (I have the benefit of having some of my games recorded.) I can see something I could have done a turn or two before of after differently that could have mitigated that misfortune.

When you are playing your games look for the climatic moments and then look back at the choices that led up to them. Talk with your opponent after the game to see how the little choices led to the climatic moments, and when rolls don't go your way ask yourself what you could have done differently what could have helped you mitigate the RNG of the dice. You will become a better Armada player by taking responsibility for your choices and not blaming RNG or some other external factor, when external factors like RNG seam to be decisive in a game the thought should be “X was really bad, but I should have” not “X was why I lost the game” This mindset from what I can see and have experienced is what separates the good Armada players from the great ones.

With all that we have Clone Wars announcements coming up this week! I am very excited and very much looking forward to it whatever we get I will just be stoked. It also seems like there is a rules update possibly coming with the Clone Wars release, as on the 31st it says we are getting a “preview of Clone Wars content and rules” and that seems to imply a difference from the current rules, like an Armada 1.5, but maybe I am reading into that to much. Regardless it should be a fun and exciting week to be an Armada fan so enjoy it and until next time have a great week!

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