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Exogarths, Purgills, an FAQ, oh my!

Well last week I wrote about how we needed and FAQ and an FAQ was dropped right before I and scheduled the publication of that week’s AMM, it was funny, but a little said, however not all my questions were answered, and only one change I thought was going to happen did happen, but let’s go through the changes and clarifications give my thoughts and feelings about this FAQ, and yes this is going to be long, I have placed a bold titles over the points that I think are most important and a break at the end if you just want to look at thoughts sections.

Let’s start with our Errata we don’t have too much outside campaign play, but we have a few snippets we have the Raddus change and the extreme range evade effect in the FAQ now, but we already covered them. We have some errata for Rebellion in the rim campaign play, I won’t dive into that, as this would get very long if I did, and I think most people are concerned about standard play, I am excited to get a campaign going soon though. Finally we do have an errata for Hyperspace Migration, however we also have some clarification and I think this is the biggest change so I will cover it when we reach the clarification so we can look at it as a whole. and we have a change to how exogarths attack but we got a lot of clarification for exogarths as well so we will cover that when we come to them.

Now we come to the FAQ part of the FAQ we got some further clarification on command resolving, basically if you are going to spend a dial and token you must declare that is what you are doing you can’t resolve the dial then say you will add the token. I am guilty of doing this practically with con fire commands, it’s a bad habit I need to break.

The next question that was answered was about raid and in essence as soon as a raid token is discarded it can resolve the command so for example you have a squadron dial and a token you have a raid token spend the token to get rid of the raid token now you can resolve your dial. This clarification I think was mostly to say yes SSDs are in essence immune to raid as they gain a token when revealing a dial they use the token to get rid of the raid token and resolve the dial.

The next question really just clarifies that yes when a player gets to change your dial they do get to see what command it is currently set to. This has always been a bit ambiguous, so it’s nice to have that clarification.

The next question answered was about shield dials and that they don’t have to be in the deployment zone when deploying ships, I never knew there was debate about this, but good to know I have been playing things correctly.

They updated the answer to relay squadrons being in range of the ship that is trying to activate squadrons, I believe the only change was that yes boosted comms does count as being in range, more a clarification of a past answered question.

Apparently it was thought you could equip more than one title to a ship and no that is not a thing, maybe it was not in the rules or was written a bit oddly and they just wanted to clarify, but again never seen anyone think or say this.

There are some clarifications for campaign play I do want to just touch on one change fleet command are team wide so that’s cool as well as all non-commander cards that refers to “friendly” ships so that’s cool.

Now we get into the new obstacles first we will start with dust fields as they have been include in both campaign boxes just remember that even though the difference in shape is slight you must add a pair of dust tokens from the same campaign box meaning you cannot have two of the same shaped dust field. Moving on to Exogarths.

Exogorths and Purrgils

We have an errata to exogorth effects, in essence when an exogarth attacks a squadron the opposing player resolves the attack so you can’t forget to spend accuracies now.  What happens when an exogarth is placed and it overlaps squadrons so many that they cannot be placed touching the exogarth? The answer is that it must be placed touching another squadron touching the exogarth, seems logical I have not played a ton with exogarths and I feel this situation would be fairly rare, but it is always good to know what to in the strange outlier cases. So normally if an exogarth is touching the obstacle that obstacle will not obstruct its attacks, however if say Ezra throughs the poor exogarth out of its home it has be clarified that that obstacle will obstruct its attacks how sad evicted and obstructed, it’s enough to make a grown man cry.

Your friendly neighborhood space whales, when we talk about purrgil movement it was cleared up that if the objective does not require the purgill to move the player may leave the purgill In its location, but if an objective requires a purrgil to move toward something it must move at least to the end of the distance 1 range band.  Secondly what happens when a ship overlaps a purrgil after executing a maneuver a speed different than that on the ships speed dial, well pretty simple the ship suffers damage equal to the current speed on its speed dial. It’s nice to have clarification practically on the movement of purrgils as that has caused me more than a few headaches the overlapping at a different speed is a fringe case and something I had not even thought about, so it’s good to know the ruling.


We get a few more campaign clarifications that I will just skip over, I mean this is already getting pretty long, so check out the campaign changes for yourself, but now we are in the last part of the FAQ the card clarification.

The advanced gunnery objective get clarified that if the first player objective ship is impetuous or equipped with ordnance pods this hull zone cannot target the same squadron more than once, to this I say if you pick a raider as your advanced gunnery ship you’re doing it wrong. This is however a slight nerf to ordnance pods on big ships I mean very slight it just makes advanced gunnery even a little bit less appealing if you have ordnance pods as first player, it’s just clarification of the absolutism of cannot for the first player in the objective.

I’m going to be very brief with the clarification on blockade run basically if you are tabled at the end of round six but still have flotillas on the board you will still score points if you are in your opponents deployment zone. Sure fine cool, but no one wants to play an objective that gives their opponent 20 extra points each time they kill one of your ships, maybe for fun factor.

Rift assault is another pretty simple clarification but when you use the special rule to discard an objective token on a ship you must change a die to another face you have no option to no change the face of a die.

SSD and objective deployments

this was a big one and was one of the questions SSD how does it deploy on this objective “if the first player flagship is a huge ship it must overlap the station and also touch that player edge if able. If that flagship cannot meet both restrictions it must be placed overlapping the station with its rear hull zone as close as possible to that player edge” so no deploying way out there right on top of your opponents fleet, also as expected you can deploy on the station, however it does not clarify if the SSD can overlap other obstacles when deploying on the station as a scenario can still come up where you can’t deploy without overlapping another obstacles

With obstacles set up like this the SSD is unable to deploy without clipping at least a part of another obstacle, and this set up can be achieved by just the second players obstacle placements alone So you can still have a scenario where you have no legal placement of your SSD unless you can overlap other obstacles, so I am not sure this is a closed case just yet.

the Fleet ambush clarification mostly for the SSD basically if you can’t place it fully in the ambush zone, due to obstacles, you must place it as completely as possible into the ambush zone, so basically don’t pick this if you are an SSD as your opponent can force you into so pretty, no very bad spots.


Capture the VIP is clarified that if you fly off the table you place the token touching a part of the ships base that is on the table or the edge of the player area closest to where the ship left the table. Basically if you fly off the table you don’t get to keep the token, it’s good to know what to do when a vip ship flies off the table, but I have never had it happen.

Moving on to the blue objectives Navigational hazards got clarification that you can’t move an obstacle if it would overlap ships squadron or other obstacles, but the player may rotate it if they choice to. Doomed station is much the same thing as navigation hazards just clarifying one how you can move obstacles. Then Solar Corona is clarified that if you only have one dice you attack and it’s an accuracy you can still use effects that add dice, however you cannot use confire command to do this has you have no dice in your attack pool, so you would not be able to pick a color of die already in your attack pool.

Hyperspace Migration

Okay so now it’s to the big shablam the nerf of all nerfs Hyperspace Migration okay so first the errata we skipped End of round rule should read: ”for each ship if it has an objective token on it, remove that token and that hips owner gains 1 victory token if it has no objective token on it and is at distance e1 of a purrgil place 1 objective token on that ship. then player move each purrgil” okay now to the extra clarification “During the same round a ship can ether receive and objective or remove an objective token from itself to receive a victory token this mean a ship can only score every other round, player move purrgil as normal after all ship gain or discard tokens.” So they made this objective so it can only score every other round and I think that is more than acceptable, however there was a second part to the nerf that really curtails this objective, and that is that you gain tokens and discard tokens before moving the purrgil.  This last part where you can’t move the purgil until after gaining/removing tokens, is what really nerfs this objective pretty hard in my opinion.

I could probably do a whole write up on the changes to this objective, but I will try to keep it brief. So you can only score this objective on turns 2, 4, and 6 now, however because you gain tokens before the purrgil move you have really 3 options to get tokens on your ship turn one you can use Ezra, this will at least get a few of your ships tokens round one , your ships on the very edge of your deployment zone can drop to zero, but you can score at most 3 tokens that way. the other option is to fly toward the purgil in a corral.

our MC-80 will score on the rounds that our other ships off round

Then to get max scoring you will need to on turn 2 use strategic to move the entry point token to where your coral will be at the end of turn 3, so when you place the whale you can place it in such a way that your ships all get a token.

Turn 6 will be fairly difficult to score and I almost just want to say don’t worry about it, but with Ezra or some clever blocking with your ship can keep the purgil stuck and a few of your ships will be able to score turn 6.

This was a pretty hard nerf I think it was needed, but making it so tokens are gained before moving the purrgil makes this objective board line unplayable for me, I think in a fish farm type list in might have some viability I mean you can still get a pretty easy 200ish points if you fly well, but now sensor net is pretty stiff competition because of the inflexible nature of hyperspace migration. As far as imperial lists you can make it work, but you will need to take a lambda, so maybe the crazy Moralo list that Tokra is playing might want it I still need to try that list just for kicks, and see how badly I personally do with it.

[ flagship ] Victory I-Class Star Destroyer (73 points) -  Admiral Sloane  ( 24  points) -  Harrow  ( 3  points) -  Admiral Ozzel (off)  ( 2  points) -  Fighter Coordination Team  ( 3  points) -  Boosted Comms  ( 4  points) = 109 total ship cost Quasar Fire I-class Cruiser-Carrier (54 points) -  Squall  ( 3  points) -  Skilled First Officer  ( 1  points) -  Flight Controllers  ( 6  points) -  Boosted Comms  ( 4  points) -  Expanded Hangar Bay  ( 5  points) = 73 total ship cost

Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 points)

-Comms Net  ( 2  points)

= 25 total ship cost

Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 points) -  Vector  ( 2  points) -  Hondo Ohnaka  ( 2  points) -  Comms Net  ( 2  points) = 29 total ship cost

1 Darth Vader ( 21 points) 1 Major Rhymer ( 16 points) 5 Lambda-class Shuttles ( 75 points) 1 Moralo Eval ( 22 points) = 134 total squadron cost

It's still an okay objective, but it’s less flexible than it already was, and you just really need to consider how you are going to fly it and I think strategic is a must to maximize point efficiency, and to maintain some flexibility.



Okay so I was getting excited to try this guy out and now, I just think he will not see play, I mean you take him for his death blossom effect and the fact that your opponent could just through pretty much any single escort fighter and guarantee you won’t get that to go off this turn, really just puts a damper on his value, I was thinking he could be a really cool addition to a small fighter wing to really help wear down large squadballs, but I’m just not sure about that anymore, basically impossible. I might take him for a spin to see how he would do in like a medium fighter group, but I’m just not sold on the idea, it’s a pretty hard nerf in my opinion.

Whisper she was clarified that if she did a counter attack she does that before she does her move if she spent a token, not sure exactly why that is important, but there you have it.

Darth Vader Boarding teams

Okay so if Darth Vader rips off aspiration you lose all shields exceeding your maximum shield value immediately, so yeah.

Along the same lines if Bail is removed from a ship before he resolves the effect no longer active in the game the same goes for Pryce, in addition if Chimera or Tua come off you don’t lose the respective upgrade equipped however Chimera does lose the ability to switch fleet commands.


Chart officer was clarified that if you overlap multiple obstacles you use her ability you must ignore all obstacles you overlap so this makes her better I the case you overlap two asteroids or debris fields, but could be sad if you have a damage card and overlap the station and an asteroids you won’t get to use the station if you use her to ignore the asteroids.

Defiance was clarified that you could add any color dice regardless of attack range, again did not know there were questions about this as the rules seem to very clearly support this idea, but if it come up you have it in writing and you don’t need to explain of the whys you can add a black die at long range.

Cham and slicer tools where clarified that yes you do get to see the dials before they are changed, as was mentioned before. Again it’s nice to have the ambiguity of if you get to look at the dials cleared up.

Commander Beck

Okay so Beck answered one question we had about her but the whole slew of other questions are still at large.  It was answered that you can combine her effect with a dial to resolve a command as a dial+token effect. However the undefined ambiguity of the phrase “as if” remains. Like can wulff use his ability to get a token back because it was “as if” you did, but you actually did not spend a token so what do we do here? Now granted this is a fringe case that will only come up on the SSD in competitive play, but if could come up in campaign play with the commander ability bridge crew ability, can I turn her token into a dial with Piett? So she is a little clearer, but I’m still confused about how she interacts with other things in the game.


Engine techs got a clarifications that you cannot use nav command effects to increase its yaw, during and engine tech maneuver. So nice to have that clarification I always leaned this way, but it was a little up in the air so it’s good to have this piece of clarification.

Executor got the clarification that indeed there are only 3 ways to resolve a commend ether with a token, dial, or dial+single token.  This is something I messed up on my initial impressions of the title, so just remember you cannot resolve the same command more than once ether that is core rules, and should have been how this card was played this just clarifies that.

G-8 Experimental Projector got some clarification in essence it is just saying whatever speed the ships dial is set to when it executes its maneuver that is the speed that is temporarily reduced, not the speed on the dial when you exhaust this card.

Grand Admiral Thrawn got a bunch of clarifications in essence Thawns dials are gained by ships not revealed so huge ships don’t get tokens from thrawn dials. You cannot discard thrawn dials to get rid of raid tokens. Lastly you cant resolve thrawns ability to place 3 dials on him if he is set aside in hyperspace assault or something like that, so don’t do that.

Impetuous, just don’t put gunnery teams on this ship it makes it so you can’t attack the same squadron more than once from the same hull zone, and well that’s kind of what impetuous wants to do, and who puts gunnery teams on a raider anyway? This clarification is also applicable to ships with ordnance pods and gunnery teams, so just don’t do it.

Linked Turbolaser Towers

Okay so there has been some confusion about this clarification as the wording is a little bad and the card has two effects reroll one die and add two dice to the first squadron you attack during your activation. First you can use the reroll 1 red die as many times as you want during your activation as this clarification is referring to the add dice to your first squadron you target. The “can resolve this effect during any of its anti-squadron attacks” is confusing but is clarified later on by saying “if this ship resolves this effect during an additional attack.” The can resolve this effect during any of its anti-squadorn attacks is saying even if the first squadon you attack with an “additional attack” you can still use LTT’s ability if you want to, however it still has to be the first squadron you attack during your activation, and you can only attack that squadron, but you could resolve this effect while performing and ordnance pod effect. It really was an over complicated clarification how it probably should have read was “ You can use this cards effect to add dice whenever you attack your first squadron during your activation, even if that attack is an additional attack gained by an effect like the ordnance pods upgrade card.” Much simpler maybe I am missing something in this explanation, but it conveys the same idea in a much less convoluted way.


Instigator and Valen

Instigator, clarification if squadrons are at distance 1 of you are only engaged with valen rudor can still attack this ship or valen rudor. Personally I hate this clarification it is completely and blatantly against the rules.  Now before I explain I am fine with squadrons being able to attack Valen Rudor, but being able to attack instigator as well is just wrong why? Well let’s swap Valen Rudor out for a generic tie fighter now all of a sudden for some reason the squadrons can’t attack instigator and have to attack the tie fighter why is Valen Rudor singled out? Personally I have never seen this combo, but this ruling is probably the least sensical thing to do as it breaks the rules. I strongly disagree with this ruling, They should have been able to attack Valen but not Instigator, but it is what it is. Moving on we are almost done it's just a lot to go over.


Strategic Adviser was clarified that only be excused if  the ship could activate, this was already pretty well understood, but like I have said with everything like this so far it’s nice to have it clarified.

Targeting Scrabbles, was clarified that you can resolve multiple copies of this card on the same attack so double dictor is going to barrel its way into the meta, well probably not.

Our last clarification Yavaris, squadrons that attack twice cannot resolve another effect to move during yavris activation, so they cannot move during yavaris activation period end of discussion not even with a card effect.

Okay wow that was a lot of clarifications biggest changes really SSD deployment and Objectives, Hyperspace migration, clarification about moving obstacles, how the RITR obstacles work, Beck works to create a token+dial effect but what else does she work with we don’t know,  you get to see dials when changing them with a card effect, and the valan rudo Instigator ruling that makes me a little salty.

It’s a lot of good information, but it did not answer all my questions, and changes I thought were coming didn’t.  Overall it’s got a lot of good information, but the way the developers where talking in the last live stream had me prepping for some big adjustments maybe even point reevaluations.  I am guessing something like this is still on the way, but will likely be released around the same time the clone wars releases. What do you think of the changes and clarifications? Until next time have a great week!

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