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So we have had a lot of news circulating around the armada community this past few weeks most of it not so great. The cancelation of Adepitcon, and what will happen to this years world championship. The discontinuation of Asmodee's replacement part program. However we did get some positive news as well and that is what we are going to look at here.

First up is that asmodee is becoming a full fledged distributor. From my limited understanding this will give Asmodee more control over reaching target street dates as they will not have to rely on a third party distributing their games. Now sure it remains to been seen how effective this will be, but in essence eliminating the middleman in getting games to the shelfs seams like this will give Asmodee and by extension FFG a bit more control over when and how stock arrives on shelves. At the end of the day this seems like a good change that will likely help Asmodee and FFG better keep target release dates, though I don't expect it to be perfect, I believe it will be an improvement.

Second we got this

So yeah this is exciting, there has been some conflicting statements about how valid the Q4 release is, there was a facebook post supposedly by a store owner at GAMA that said that the Q4 release was not happening and the slide was not updated. However in a interview with Asmodee North America President and Head of Publishing Steve Horvath, said that Q4 was on schedule and that wave two of clone wars was on schedule for Q1 2021. I am a bit more inclined to believe the Head of Publishing then a facebook comment, so I think despite everything that we are still on track for that Q4 Release, but time will tell.

In addition in an FFG live stream the said they would release all news that was intended for Adepicon. So are we going to get our first glimpses of clone wars armada soon? I think we may, but at latest we will get something around gen con. I am hoping for 2-3 ships for each faction in the first wave of clone wars plus a squadron pack for each faction as well, and I don't think that is improbable as Lucasfilm said of FFG release schedule about all star wars miniatures "this is the best product plan we have seen out of FFG ever." So things are looking good.

A lot of crazy stuff is happening right now, but we still have a lot to look forward to in the future. Clone Wars previews are lurking just around the corner, and I still have to get all of my final thoughts on wave 8 ships and upgrades up. We have so much to be excited for and so much to look forward to, Until next time have a great week!

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