So much news from Gen con where to start, well I will start with the new ships and then the upgrades we know about that will come with the ships, and then the rebellion in the rim upgrade cards we didn’t know about yet. I will for sure talk about the objectives and aces coming in the pack as well, but to keep this from being unshasinoalbley long I will talk about them in different wright ups. So well lets Jump into the New Ships.
Nadiri Starhawk
Look out ISDs there is a new kid in town and his name is Starhawk. So with no ship cards previewed I have very little to go off of but we do have a few things. First the article says this is the largest ship in the rebel fleet, so it is highly likely the rebels will not be getting a huge ship so if you were hoping for that sorry guys. It only shows 3 command dials, but in the wright up it says it comes with 4 implying it’s a command 4 ship, but its ether a typo or something is wrong with the spread, so we can’t call it for sure.
Because of the angles they have the starhawk at is hard to see the front stats it looks like 7 or 8 dice and 5 shields, but again can’t be sure. the sides have 5 dice and 4 shields so this guy is a beast, no idea on speed, or squadron value etc. I can’t make out the hull as it’s a weird angle I want to say 12, but really cant be sure I know its double digits at least so that is the first rebel ship to do that. It’s hard to say what its defense tokens are as it comes with at least one of each and the new salvo token that I will talk about a bit later, but it is likely it won’t come with more than one redirect due to the spread.
We are still pretty in the dark with this guy but just biased off a shielding hull and dice this is going to be the ships when rebels put across the table from you will get that same feeling as when an Imperil player drops an ISD. Though I do think this ship is going to cost them I think it will be more expensive than the ISD, perhaps it has a low squadron value so its not as versatile as many of the ISDs are, but I still think it will be somewhere between 130-150 points, we just don’t know enough about it to really make a super accurate call but I think it will be the most expensive ship in the game aside from the SSD.
Onager-class Star Destoyer
So this guy has got a superlaser we have no idea on the rule behind that other than it can attack beyond long range, presumably infinite range. So that is amazing, the super laser arch is pretty narrow though from what I can tell so it should not be too hard to dodge, and will probably take a decent amount of skill to set up the supelaser shot. I have a feeling there is a lot more behind this super laser probably depended on what super laser upgrade you take on this guy, but if you can shoot turn one with the super laser, you better believe I am going interdictors to make you deploy at speed zero, sounds fun, since I can shoot beyond long range. The super laser appears to have an armament of 3 red 2 blue and 2 black so 7 dice total.
The Onager’s normal batteries are okay 5 out the front 4 out the side 3 out the rear its fairly standard it has 5 shields on the front but only 2 on the sides and one on the rear so flank this thing and it will die pretty fast as it appears to only have a brace and redirect, with one or more salvo tokens. Assuming low squadron value and a pretty rigid movement chart. Looks like a hull value of 10, but can’t be sure, and is command 3. That is really all we know about this guy seems like some pretty cool stuff I think.
So lets talk about the new defense token for just a moment we don’t know too much about it other than it lets you attack after being attacked. I know there are going to be stipulations to this tokens use. I personally think you can’t use a salvo token if you have already activated this round, or something like that. Nothing indicates that it’s just a thought. I am also lead to believe from and upgrade card we will talk about that while using salvo you can’t resolve critical effects. I am sure there will be plenty of ways to get salvo tokens onto older ships, part of me even hopes that each old ship just gets salvo tokens, but that makes these ship packs mandatory to get to play unless they release some sort of salvo token pack, but still, so I think that is unlikely. I really don’t know the details about these tokens or how accessible they will be to older ships, all I know is that they will change First/last lists forever once they make their appearance.
Okay so let’s talk about the upgrades that come with these guys we will start with the Starhawk then the Onager, but something of note is that each spread only has 9 cards and each box says it come with 15 upgrades so we are out 12 total upgrade cards that we don’t know about, so we still have plenty of cards to be spoiled for these guys and most of the cards that where shown are only partially spoiled.
Kysta agate
Okay so to start of Kyrsta only works on the ship she is on, she is not fleet wide. This has led some to find her a bit overwhelming, but don’t underestimate her. Most lists have one centerpiece and then support ships, and if you lose the centerpiece you lose the game or at least in a tournament setting makes your MOV low. However Kyrsta makes that ship extremely hard to kill let me give you an example.
MC80 Assault Cruiser (114) • Kysta agate (20) • Walex Blissex (5) • Engine Techs (8) • Early Warning System (7) • Electronic Countermeasures (7) • Leading Shots (4) • Quad Battery Turrets (5) • Defiance (5) = 175 Points
So you add a brace to this ship now you have 2 braces two redirects and a contain, you add ECM so you don’t have to discard a brace on the first accuracy, but still get the ECM effect from Krysta latter in that round and you don’t care to much about losing a token because Walex has got your back. This is a insanely durable ship, I would even argue that it might be more durable than an SSD because of its ability to use its defense tokens so freely.
Krysta Flexibility should not be underrated ether, she completely counters avenger, and she makes it harder for Sloan to strip your Brace by giving you another, but also if you have her you don’t need ECM, sure its nice to go crazy spending tokens, and getting to ready them but remember for Krysa Walex is love Walex is life so she lets you take EWS that is better against squadrons and smaller attacks, also having two braces is harder to lock up anyway, so maybe ECM is really not that important for her.
Another point with her flexibility is that you don’t have to add a brace, I think that will be the most common, but if you come up against a heavy squad list maybe a redirect so you can prevent damage from going inside and keep redirects from burning to quickly maybe you’re a facing a swarm of small long range ships take an evade, she just gives you so much flexibility that she can in essence adapt to the list she is playing against, sure she does not give a fleet wide ability, but her ability to protect a large point investment cannot be overstated, she keeps you from losing big, and she will really surprise a lot a people with just how good she is, personally I believe she will become one of the best Rebel commanders, especially for her cost.
Officer Kysta agate?- red or blue crit exhaust this card 1 of your ex… defense tokens?? You can.. critical effects.. Salvo..
So that is all the text I can make out of this one im sure its an officer Kysta Agate, I belive this ability lets you unexsuast an exhausted defense token on a red or blue crit, and in addition to that it lets you resolve critical effects when you use a salvo attack. I am not 100% sure on this but it makes since and is a pretty cool synergy, but we will wait and see.
Officer Wed…. Before..squadron.. may spend..choose.. …squadron.. Stratigic..those… cloak
This is the one I have the hardest time with I think it might be Wedge Attiless officer, the wording is a bit hard to put together but I think its along the lines of squadrons you activate that have strategic gain cloak or something like that. Really unsure on this one but cloak and strategic are involved somehow.
Weapons team and offensive retrofit (boarding team) Shriv Suurgav?- when you… command.. a squadron-dial or token discard this car… she at close… and discard… ordnance, ion, turbolaser.. Equipped…
This guy seams like the Darth Vader of the rebels but he is a saboteur not a killer so he can’t remove a crew weapons team, or support team. Again just a guess with the text we have, but that seems likely.
Turbolaser Heavy Fire zone: while attacking a squadron before you gather dice if the defender is not engaged with a friendly squadron you may replace all the blue dice in your squadron armament.. red dice.
This one is almost fully readable basically if a squadron is not near one of yours to can chance it on red dice to get double hits, not sure I really like this one maybe there is something I am missing, but red dice are just so inconsistent especially with squadrons, and this take up a turbolaser slot and seams to do nothing against ships, I just don’t really like it.
Titles concord, amity and unity, and what I am sure is a tractor beam upgrade card of some sorts cant see any text on this guys so on to the cards that come with the Oneger.
General Romodi
So I can make out this cards complete text pretty easily, it reads:
“While a friendly ship is attacking a ship, if the attack is obstructed by a ship or obstacle, the attacker does not remove a die (even if the attack is also obstructed by a card effect) and may add 1 red die to the attack pool.”
So there is some confusion bout this card, some people say it completely negates cards like Crakken, and EWS that obstruct attacks no it does not. It only negates obstruction and gives you the extra die if you are obstructed by an obstacle or ship, then clarifies that you still get that bonus even if a card effect would obstruct the attack. So for example we have Crakken in a CR-90 hidding behind an asteroid, because line of sight is drawn though the asteroid we don’t lose a die but gain one, now we have the same ship but now line of sight is clear to the ship with Crakken in that it does not pass through an asteroid, or ship so then we lose the die. In sort if line of sight is traced though an asteroid or ship you gain a die in place of losing one, even if there is another effect that would cause your attack to be obstructed.
This guy seams cool and fun you can set up some obstruction with an interdicter moving obstacles around you can put your ships in weird places so they obstruct each other’s shots its kind of interesting, will be be amazing, maybe with a skilled player always getting obstruction I mean you can roll 6 dice out the side of an arquintes with him if you build it right so I think he has potential, but at the very least will have an interesting and fun play style, and for 20 points seems like a good deal to me.
Commander Beck
So I am not 100% sure how I feel about this one I like her because sometimes you just need that extra damage so you can use her to reroll a die , or move some shields around and you don’t have that command coming up anyway, or your not a carrier but really need to activate a squadron for one reason or another so you get to, she helps in a pinch and is flexible, but her down side is a little scary though. If built around I could see her doing pretty okay, I have a few ideas but again we will see.
Title Rakeh…- nav command while executing… 0 speed maneuver.. may exhaust this.. gain a yaw value… that maneuver..
So this is a title that would appear to let you adjust yaw on a speed zero maneuver so in essence pivot, if it also lets you spend defense tokens it is amazing, not sure how you would do that exactly. However if not its just nice to stay out of long range and shot your pew pew a little longer without risk of harm.
Officer: reeva… after you.. as the d… defends has at… .. exhaust.. ready.
This card is hard for me to make out something about after you do something as defender exhaust something then ready, I am guessing its after you spend a defense token exhaust this card to ready a defense token something like that, again this one is highly speculative.
Title Su.. Blue or Black crit may discard.. choose and.. defensive retrofit, ordinance, ion cannon,….card equ..def…
This is another title for the ship and honestly so much is missing from what sounds like a fairly complex card that the best I can do is say that you discard some sort of upgrade you have to resolve some super crit, but that is probably way wrong. Or it could be if you have this card equipped you cannot equip certain upgrade types I am really not sure.
Weapons team Gunnery Chef Varn…: After you deploy place 1 die set to a blank face on this card if you are second player set it to any face instead. While attacking a ship.. May exchange 1 dice from.. Attack pool with the die.. This card both dice…set to same face.
Okay so we got most the text for this one but it’s a little confusing toward the end for me but it seams like you put a die on this card then when attacking you can exchange 1 dice for a die in your pool and then you do something with both dice and set something to the same face. My best guess is that it reads “after you deploy place 1 die set to a blank face on this card, if you are second player set it to any face instead. While attacking a ship you may exchange 1 die from your attack pool with the die on this card both dice are set to the same face. It’s a little weird but works like this if your first player you have a blank die your roll an attack drop this as you see you have rolled a double hit on a red to put the double hit on this card and then switch the blank you just switched it to a double hit, then later your roll a blank on a red switch in the double and change the blank on the card into a double hit, so it’s a little weird and you get a slight advantage as second player as it just starts the game as the fixer you don’t need to roll something good to start getting value out of this card. The last part is a little speculative, but makes since to me.
There also appear to be 2 types of supper cannon upgrades can only see the word bombardment on one of them. And the title Cataclysm and it has the best art work so it will probably be the best title or possibly the worst and I will just run it because it pretty.
Well that’s all we know about these upcoming ships, and this has already been a long one, but lets look quickly at Rebellion in the rim upgrades. here are the upgrades that we did not know about Rebellion in the Rim.
Take Evasive Action!
So this is the only fleet command we got, but I love the artwork for it, and and it is in my opinion better then Entrapment formation, because yaw is more valuable than speed as yaw only comes from the command and speed comes from the command or token. Now with this JJ and a nav an ISD at speed 3 will have a yaw of II-II-II seams legit.
So when I first started reading this card I was upset because I thought the pelta was basically dead, but this ship can not spend command tokens to resolve the fleet command so the fleet command is only a one time use, I could see this being very good In a MSU list on the turn where everything is ready to fire and you dump Intensify Firepower for a “Super” turn, but the pelta still has its place to get your fleet command to trigger every turn.
Okay so Its nice to have a redirect on the neb, but the weapons team seams kind of meh. I mean I can see putting gunnery teams on them with like a spinal armament, I just find it a little underwhelming personally. Maybe its just because I have come to love salvation with SFO, and DTT, getting me 6 damage fairly consistently. Maybe I will change my mind when I take it for a spin, but I feel like this card just leads to taking a very expensive neb-B because you want gunnery teams the new guys that let you add shields to your sides a turbolaser that adds a die for better use out of gunnery teams, I am not sure I am sold, but I will give it a try.
Well we got a speed 3 VSD that can turn 90 degrees with no issue at speed one. I am not 100% sure this will save the VSD it will still be unable jump/leapfrog over ship because it’s the engine tech fake speed 3, and your just making the VSD more expensive by taking this upgrade plus Engine techs. It might make it easier for the VSD-I to get into black range, but you still have the issue your are now paying 11 more points to do that making it almost the same cost of a VSD II. I don’t know I have just never really felt like spending points to spend more points to fix a “bad ship” does not make it better because you have made the ship more expensive. However because it adds an extra ability onto it not just the upgrade slot it is kind of nice and again does make black dice a bit easier to get off, it will be a very maneuverable ship, so it might work again I will have to take this one for a spin.
Advanced Transponder Net
Okay love this card it makes the fighter game much more interesting and some might say because this exist squadron lists will slowly go away as light screen with this are just really good at keeping squadrons off your ships, but 4 tie bombers and this if you bring squadrons I tie them up for a while if you don’t ill punish you for not, this is a contender for my favorite upgrade in this box. Its biggest downside is that it is a modification, but it is still extraordinarily good at buying time in the squadron game, and by its mere existence will shake things up in that part of the game.
Proximity Mines
So I don’t get this card it says you place a mine beyond distance 5 of enemy ships, but the card resolves before deploying fleets, so I am not sure what to think of that, I think it might be a typo that was not caught and it suppose to be beyond distance five of the players edges. But we did get the rule for how Proximity mines work so that’s cool. A proximity mine will explode when a ship ends at distance 1 of the mine you will roll 2 blue dice and for each hit and crit the other player will take that much hull damage. Ships can shot the mines with their anti-squadron dice but can only target the mine during the attack if they roll a single hit they destroy the mine. So you can force your opponent to waste an attack or take some damage it acts as area control and it seams seems really fun and I am looking forward to playing around with these.
Expert Shield Tech
These guys are great on any ship that has 2 redirects, this will also make dealing with squadron damage much easier if you have this on your ship it’s a very good card, but it does take a competitive slot, but again if you are having trouble against squadrons list and you have redirects this is a great card. It also helps ship that don’t have a brace to redirects to help keep more damage off the ship if they really don’t need to redirect, and also when you have run out of shields your redirects are not dead tokens. So this is just a solid card that really should be considered if you have 2 redirects maybe even one, depending on the ship.
Commander Vanto
He is like a wullf/grint/arseko with slightly different timing. He is a bit more flexible in that you can gain any token not just the token you just spent so he will be kind of the king of that group, grint has some applications that I feel work well on Flotillas with comms net, but if you are thinking to taking Wullf, Vanto is almost always better pick as he gives you more flexibility, but you have to resolve your command first then you will get a token but his flexibility in getting any token is really nice.
Commander Woldar
With this guy around you are going to see a lot more phantoms and defenders I think, so look out for that. If there was something holding phantoms back it was they lacked the ability to reroll but know they are very tempting. Some has said he is better than toryan farr, and well that’s just not true, as she lets you reroll any blue dice anywhere you roll it he only lets squadrons reroll any dice sure but only when attacking squadrons, and they can’t have swarm he is a good less flexible than Toryan, but still solid in the right list.
Captian Rex
He gets me excited to play a heavy raid list, not sure how well it will work but I am excited it will make raid tokens much more interesting on the rebel side so not sure how good this is but it at the very least seams fun and has me wanting to do some list building around raid tokens.
Ezra Bridger
Okay so he is pretty simple he speaks to the worms and the whales leaving in the obstacles and they move it out of his way and into his opponent’s way. Its fun simple and can be handy with some objectives as well.
And that is all the upgrades from rebellion in the rim what a week for armada new wave of ships, SSD released, and Rebellion in the Rim spoiled I will talk about the aces we will be getting next week and then the objective the week after that, and then who knows it might be in our hands by then. Until next time have a wonderful week!