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Hello There Again: An Addendum to Kenobi Final Thoughts.

While playing with Kenobi to gain my final thoughts I overlooked one card in the Republic arsenal Barriss Offee. To be fair she is a fairly forgettable card, but with Kenobi, she does give you a pretty interesting option. Because of this, I feel like it is something I have to talk about at least briefly in an AMM of this as an addendum to my final thoughts on Kenobi.

What makes Barriss Offee so interesting with Kenobi is her timing “after the attacker declares the defending hull zone.” This means your redirect is spent even before the gather dice step and so your single redirect cannot be locked down by accuracy and if you spent a readied redirect you will still get to trigger Kenobi’s ability during the resolve damage step.

While in my final thoughts on Kenobi I recommended ECM over thermals since the timing with thermals lets your brace bypass accuracies it leaves your single redirect the target of accuracies meaning you won’t get Kenobi’s effect. However, with Barriss Offee and thermal shields, both your redirect and brace get to work around accuracies and Barriss makes sure it’s your toughest hull zone taking the damage after thermals and reducing the damage by one your opponent will be hard-pressed to get damage to the hull. If you are taking Barriss this would be the one instance I would take thermals over ECMs with commander Kenobi.

Barriss is a trade-off expert shield techs are still great and ECM brace, with an est+kenobi redirect damage reduction, can get really crazy; I love taking 8-10 damage rolls and turning them into 2-3 with EST, Kenobi, ECM setup. While the Barriss and thermal setup is one point cheaper, it can also prevent nasty crit effects by removing dice of the needed color but is vulnerable to adding dice effects that are becoming increasingly popular; it is a choice you have to make.

If you go with the Barriss strategy regardless of if you are taking commander Kenobi or not you want to make sure that you hull zone that can have the most shields on it is maxed out as much as possible so use engineering points to move shields there is very effective while using Barriss. Barriss gives your ship that has it equipped a guaranteed redirect to trigger Kenobi’s effect.

What are your thoughts on Barriss Offee? How have you used her? Until next time have a great week!

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