Okay so we got word that the “Armada Blitz” starts this week, meaning we will be getting all the juicy armada info. So I figured I would do one last bit of speculation before all the info starts to poor in, but who knows maybe by the time this goes live we will already have more info, but let's dive in anyway.
First up let's talk core rules I really don't think we are going to see any core rule changes outside of the new pass token mechanic. I think outside of that the games core rules will largely stay the same I could be surprised. If any additional core rules where to change I think it would likely involve squadrons, like being able to move out of “engagement” but you would have to take an “attack of opportunity” or could attack ships while engaged but again would take an “attack of opportunity” I don't think this will happen but its been something one my mind as with the change to the Intel keyword tactical positioning and engagement of fighters is going to be even more important and well that could take some time, but adding in something like taking “attacks of opportunity” could alleviate that a little bit, but I think things will stay as they are.
As far as upgrade cards go I have already made several predictions, but I think we will see a few things. Points reductions for salvation and redemption nebulou-B titles, yavaris will now add a die to a squadron attack not let them attack twice, Commander Vader will have a price drop, General Tagge will have some kind of rework, Madine and Mon Mothma will receive price reductions and/or revised abilities, I think Ackbar will receive an update so that he can use his ability and a ship can still salvo, and commander Sato will have a rework as well. ECM will require a token to ready along with gunnery teams. Dual Turbolaser Turrets will receive some kind of rework. I have heard Ordnance Experts only allowing you to re-roll 2 black dice, but we will see on that, but I have a feeling veteran gunners might receive a rework as well such as exhaust to re-roll any number of dice but need to spend a con fire token to ready. I have talked about some of these cards and a few others in the past, but I think these are the cards most likely to see change.
So how about the content in the clone wars starter sets, well I will say that for the separatists second commander it is going to be Admiral Trench and I think he will be around the 25ish point mark, no idea on abilities. I will say the munificent will be around 68ish points to field. I think we will see a generic upgrade card that gives squadrons the new scout keyword, and the republic will have an ace in in squadron pack that innately has it. ARC-170 will be the the most expensive non rouge fighter at around 18 points each.
These are my predictions I am very excited and we will see what happens this week. Clone Wars is projected to be out Dec 4th it would seem so now is the time to get hyped. Until next time have a great week!