So awhile ago we got 4 clone wars spoilers for armada. In all the craziness that has been going on in my personal life and the world in general I realized I never did share my thoughts on the cards that we got in an AMM. So while I am late to the party and some thoughts may be repeated from what others have shared we going to do this, because well I'm excited for the Clone Wars so let's jump into it.
Wat Tambor
Okay so first up we have a confederacy officer Wat Tambor. So Wat resolves when you are resolving an engineering command. First I want to say he should really only go on ships that have engineering 3 or more as his effect will in essence turn a token into a dail effect or even more, and if you have a engineering comand well things can get pretty crazy.
Wat to me is like a weird flexible projection experts. The big issue with projection experts is activation order in order to heal the ship that is in trouble you need to activate the ship that has projection experts to transfershilds over, not with Wat. If your ship with Wat is in trouble spend an engineering token, and drain two shields from a nearby ship and you get 6 engineering point enough to recharge 3 shields, becoming more effective than the max of 2 for projection experts. Now this only works with this once ship, but most lists have that one ship they really can't afford to get killed and a engineering token and Wat can really make it hard to take a ship down. I mean if you resolve a engineering command with a dial+token on a ship with 4 engineering and drain two shields from a friendly ship your getting 10 engineering points, sure there are combos that can do that in the game right now, but it's more than a 5 point investment to pull off.
MC80 Assault Cruiser (114) • Engineering Team (5) • Mon Calamari Exodus Fleet (5) = 124 Points
Nebulon-B Support Refit (51) • Redemption (8) = 59 Points
MC30c Torpedo Frigate (63) • Mon Calamari Exodus Fleet (5) = 68 Points
Squadrons: = 0 Points
Total Points: 251
Wat can pack a lot of healing for a key ship for extremely cheap, so I am nearly positive he will see play in some way, but it really depends on the other officers the confederation gets, and who knows maybe all the confederation ships will have low engineering and he will just make up that fact, but I just don't see that if anything I think the confederation will have more engineering than normal.
Clone Gunners
So here is a Republic only weapon teams, that is also Clone only, and I am not quite sure what that means. Maybe each ship will have several variants and some will have clone in there name others won't I am not sure but it obviously means something, just no idea what as of right now.
So this one resolves when you resolve a concentrate fire command, and when you are you can discard a con fire token on another ship you get to add a bule die set to an accuracy Icon. So first up this is an add die effect that is not a modification, so that is pretty big, and don't get disheartened that is must be set to an accuracy you have reroll effects in addition if you are attacking at long range you can use this to trigger leading shots, or if you have someway to reroll it or have a ships with two weapon teams so you can put WBT on a ship it guarantees you will get the crit you need, again we don't know if that will be a thing just a thought.
This card actually reminds me a lot of the ravager title.
Why well I reveal a confire dial to resolve during this attack I discard a con fire token, on another ship to add a blue die set to an accuracy and then add in another die with my confire command. There are really only 3 differences between clone gunners and Ravager the token is discard from another ship, the die gained from the token is blue and set to an accuracy, and is a weapon teams slot. Point cost is the same and with all the fun things you can do with blue dice like leading shots SW-7s if possible WBT a way to reroll dice to fish for the blue crit at long range etc this card is going to be pretty solid.
Our Confederation commander we got spoiled was Kraken and boy he looks amazing. He is in essence an intensify firepower fleet command that lets you set a die to any face not just a single hit, with the stipulation of another friendly shis is at close-medium range of the target. You need an accuracy no problem need a crit not an issue just want more damage double on a red not an issue.
if MSU style fleets are a thing for the confederation Kraken will be insane with them. Kraken would also do well in LMSU on a large ship that wants to get close and brawl and the little guys just get to plink in extra damage with Kraken's ability, add in Wat Tambor to the big ship Kraken is on sounds like a good time.
Kraken is solid regardless of the ship complement you bring really he frees up upgrade slots and points that would normally be invested for rerolls for other upgrades. He might take some getting used to as you need that ship at close-medium range to work, but once people get his playstyle down it's going to be brutal.
Our last spoiled card Obi-Wan Kenobi. So Kenobi is good in a vacuum, but just how good really depends on the ships the Republic has available like in a world where the republic does not have any ships with two redirects he is not that great, I am going to assume that at least one republic ship with have two redirects, but you never know.
Okay so Kenobi takes damage mitigation to the next level if you spend a green or readied redirect token, you get to reduce the damage by one in addition to the effect of the redirect token so you got 8 damage coming in you brace to bring it to 4 redirect with kenobi reduce it to 3 and then redirect the damage as you see fit. Now things can get crazy with EST, and yes EST and Kenobi stack.
Okay let's take the same scenario 8 damage incoming brace it to 4 redirect reduce by 1 for kenobi then another one for EST you have taken 8 damage all the way down to 2 damage. That just sound incredibly frustrating as an opponent, your able to handle my big damage and my small damage pools too Kenobi in the right fleet is pretty crazy, again the more redirects a ship has the better it will be in a Kenobi list, but things can get pretty crazy pretty fast.
Well that is my thoughts on the Clone wars cards we got spoiled. We are likely to get more info about the clone wars at Gen Con, even if the event does not happen, and with FFG canceling all OP up to september 1st well it's looking like things do not look to boad to well for Gen Con. However worst case Scenario we will get a live stream of sorts with some news like they did when Adepticon was canceled. Until next time have a great week.