AMM has never claimed to be an infallible source of Armada knowledge. AMM was set up to provided consistent weekly content for the armada community. The current AMM operation just consists of me cranking out weekly content and trying my best to stay on top of everything. In an ideal setting, I would be able to for the lack of a better phase fact-check my write-ups. In most cases, I do and am able to make changes before the publication of the write-ups. However, both work and school have me stretched pretty thin to say nothing about my role in my local community, and personal life. Recently some mistakes were made, and I would like to address them in this write-up.
First, in my Axe Back Tactics write-up, there was a minor but key typo that seemed to implied that when you spend a token for Axe’s effect you could ready it if you had Unduli was your commander. This is not the case and I apologize if this lead to any confusion.
Second, in my going squadless article I implied that Flack Guns made your salvo against squadrons black. This is not the case as flak guns only treat your “anti-squadron armament” as black, and your salvo attack uses your “printed anti-squadrons armament.” It is a minor but important distinction as your printed armament is different from your armament.
Third and lastly, in my final thoughts about hardcells I got Beast of Burden wrong. You only ready up to the number of tokens spent so if you spent 2 tokens you could ready one token on one ship and one on the other not two on both ships. I am not really a fan of how the card is worded, but I am not sure how else to word it to get that effect. My stance on Beast of Burden is that it is still great I rarely used it in my incorrect interpretation while messing around with it.
We all make mistakes, and I make it a habit of talking with my opponents after each game to talk about mistakes made and how we should have done things better. Over the course of my time playing armada, I would say this practice has helped me the most in becoming a better armada player; and if you are not doing this I would highly encourage you to start.
While writing a blog about Armada might not be quite the same as playing a game, I would guess that talking about my mistakes will also help me become better. So while grammar or spelling may not always be at 100% or a misinterpretation of a rule may creep through especially with new cards. I strive to simply become a better blogger and I think that is happening slowly but surely just like in armada you got to get your teeth kicked in a few times before everything starts to fall into place, and then clicks.
I have likely made more mistakes then I have listed hear, but these where the most egregious, and I wanted to clear them up. I appreciate everyone who reads AMM and those that have reached out to thank me for putting out content. According to the numbers I get to see for sight traffic AMM seam to have a steady growth of new readers so thank you. I hope to continue AMM for as long as I can, and while doing so getting better by learning from my mistakes, its one of the best ways to “git gud.” so remember to git gud and learn from your mistakes, everyone should. Until next time have a great week!
Nice article. Armada really is a game of learning from mistakes. It takes a lot of list-building and playing to understand why things are and aren't good.