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Officers to Reconsider

I like to mess around and go against the grain. Every now and then I go through stuff and look at stuff and just ask how can I make this work, or sometimes I stumble upon a long-forgotten card that I think might be worth revisiting. I have been looking at officer cards currently as I felt like I fell into a rut with the same officers and wanted to explore a bit more, and here are a few officers I have started to reconsider.

Major Derlin

At 7 points he is not the cheapest of officers, but I think I have found him a home a place where I really enjoy him, and that is on an EWS Assault frigate. I have been on a bit of a kick with EWS particularly on ships with an evade as it really keeps the damage off at long range and seems to work well against Onagers. Assault frigates are very nice with EWS as both the brace and evade make damage pretty hard to stick at range and Durlin just adds to it. When you can spend your brace and evade with Derlin at range you will take very little damage if any. The few times I have tried this I fairly consistently reduce the damage to 0-1. Even if your opponent rolls and accuracy and is able to lock up a token Durlin can help mitigate that. I have really enjoyed the mileage I get out of EWS and Durlin on an Ackbar assault frigate it is an expensive combo at 14 points, but it has been really effective for me.

Assault Frigate Mk2 B (72)

• Major Derlin (7)

• Gunnery Team (7)

• Early Warning System (7)

• Linked Turbolaser Towers (7)

= 100 Points

Admiral Montferrat

This guy gives your ship obstruction as long as it is going speed 3 or higher. I think he can work really well on an arquitens. You do have the trade-off of not being able to take Needa TRC or Krennic and slaved turrets, but Montferrat can let arquitens be a little bit less afraid of salvo. Sure you have to go speed 3 but it makes the ship a good flanker with some deceptive durability when in a ship’s weaker arcs. You could just slap LTT and call it a day, or if you want to commit to taking intensify firepower slaved turrets or Enhanced armament would not be a bad pick either and would help keep you in the same damage range as the Needa/Krennic builds.

Arquitens Light Cruiser (54)

• Admiral Montferrat (5)

• Slaved Turrets (6)

= 65 Points

While the clone wars factions have not been out for long I started to realize I fell into the same rut with officer selection as I work through my last few games to give final thoughts on republic ships and commanders I feel like I overlooked a particular officer.

Barriss Offee

She works well with Kenobi as she gives you the guarantee of being able to use your redirect because of her timing, but she has a really interesting interaction with the Acclamator and Implacable. She lets you take shots that are attacking your front and suffer the damage on the side or rear to keep shields up on your front for Implacable to better support squadrons or other ships with its front hull zone. This works pretty well with Kenobi because the redirect will also reduce the damage and then you could use implacable as a fake redirect because you are friendly to yourself if you really need to, adding in thermals or ECM makes it so this accelerator will always get to spend its defense tokens it’s expensive but really cool, or just using Barriss to keep shields on the front of Implacable for as long as possible so it can support other ships and squadrons that are taking damage while spamming engineering and maybe getting some help from a projection experts pelta. Barriss Offee is a lot more interesting than at first glance.

Acclamator II (71)

• Barriss Offee (6)

• Thermal Shields (5)

• Implacable (4)

= 86 Points

Thoughts are some Officers I have been reconsidering. What are some of your favorite officers? What officers or other upgrades do you think are overlooked? Until next time have a great week!

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