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Pelting with Peltas

Here we are at the final ship of the clone war wave we are looking at the pelta what it brings to the republic and how to use it. So let's just get into it.

To start the republic pelta is really cheap at 45 and 49 points respectively. At that price point, they are deceptively durable, especially with engineering 4. People are going to dump way more into killing these ships than in most cases it is worth especially when kept relatively cheap. Let's talk about the transport frigate first.

So first off something that I think too many people sleep on is this ship has a blue and black flak dice making it an amazing support piece for any squadron list, even though it won't be pushing squadrons. One of its big downsides is it has no way to fix dice, but if you have an Intensify firepower Venator that is really all you need for these guys.

I think the best way to run Peltas is more or less just spamming engineering and keeping your ship chuging along. With that said I think these make great projection expert platforms. I think projection experts have finally found a very viable home, particularly when paired with a tranquility Venator the value is just amazing.

The pelta Transport is also a really good flagship option with access to a defensive retrofit and engineering 4 you can keep this ship going, while it is not my go-to flagship I have had some success with it in a GAR MSU list.

Pelta Transport Frigate (45)

• Medical Team (1)

• Electronic Countermeasures (7)

• TB-73 (5)

= 58 Points

Another thing if you are bringing an Intensify Firepower Venator I think it is strongly worth considering putting reactive gunnery on your pelta. This makes it even a bigger cost to attack your peltas that are deceptively durable add on projection experts and tranquility to the venator and you have no good targets to attack. I think this works best with Kenobi as commander, but is not a bad option for any commander.

Pelta Transport Frigate (45)

• Projection Experts (6)

• Reactive Gunnery (4)

= 55 Points

Alternatively, you can do blast door and medical teams just to really stick it to your opponent.

Pelta Transport Frigate (45)

• Medical Team (1)

• Reinforced Blast Doors (5)

= 51 Points

Add in fleet support to flavor, but fleet support is not necessary on a pelta unless it is necessary for your fleet. So it is important to not fall into this trap of thinking you have to take a fleet support option with a pelta you dont. At 45 points you are also at the same price point as the Charger c70 in my opinion the pelta is the better option if you have an IF Venator. This is because it is more durable and plays better into a strong yellow objective Abandoned Mining Facility. While lacking the ability to efficiently escape they are better all-around support ships. I think chargers are fine, but I think you only take them as the go-to support ship if you dont have an IF Venator or maybe if you really need a cheap Reserve Hanger Deck platform, but the medical petal can kinda do that.

The biggest downside to taking a medical pelta over a transport mostly comes down to the reduction to one flak die. You do get blue in place of your black, but that 4 point increase is really about the bump from squad 1 to squad 2. This is the republics pocket carrier it can take expanded hangers to push 3 squads and I have had some success with that in a really weird 5 pelta list.

Pelta Medical Frigate (49)

• Fighter Coordination Team (3)

• Expanded Hangar Bay (5)

= 57 Points

Pelta Medical Frigate (49)

• Fighter Coordination Team (3)

• Expanded Hangar Bay (5)

= 57 Points

Pelta Transport Frigate (45)

• Obi Wan Kenobi (28)

• Expert Shield Tech (5)

• Medical Team (1)

• Electronic Countermeasures (7)

• TB-73 (5)

= 91 Points

Pelta Transport Frigate (45)

• Munitions Resupply (3)

• Reactive Gunnery (4)

= 52 Points

Pelta Transport Frigate (45)

• Munitions Resupply (3)

• Reactive Gunnery (4)

= 52 Points


• 6 x ARC-170 Starfighter Squadron (90)

= 90 Points

Total Points: 399

If you are not using the medical pelta for its squadron pushing ability either by activating squadrons or using a fighter coordination team to bump ARC-170 you should probably just stick with the transport as it is more cost-effective in every other role that the medical frigate could fill.

I will say if you have a small fighter screen in can be nice to have a medical frigate push those squads to take some pressure off your larger ships but I really miss the double flak to support a squadron screen from the transports. If you are going to use this tactic this is the build I have found most effective:

Pelta Medical Frigate (49)

• Projection Experts (6)

• FB-88 (4)

= 59 Points

FB-88 lets you flip between engineering and squad command as needed I actually kind of like this build with just two ACR-170 it's a 14 hull speed bump with counter and will heavily punish squad-less fleets for only 30 point investment. If you need some squad pushing power the medical pelta is a good way to get that at a cheap price point otherwise stick with the transport.

Just to touch briefly on the titles TB-73 is amazing at making a ship more durable and works well with Reactiv gunnery and also Luminara commander as well to have duplicate tokens to just keep refreshing really annoying for squads to deal with.

FB-88 is okay it works best with medical peltas that want to push small screens then flip to engineering in my opinion. It can also be useful to flip to a con fire for a little more damage output, but it is not amazing.

I really like the republic pelta and think it is a deceptively good ship. How have you used the pelta? What do you think about it? Well we have come though and played all clone war content other then rapid reinforcements so that should be fun to look into mess with and give final thoughts in the upcoming months. Until next time have a great week!



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