This week, well tomorrow actually we have a live stream from FFG, and I will most assuredly talk about the things we learned from that in next week’s AMM. If you are wondering when and where to watch the live steam you can watch it here, Tuesday at 1:00 PM Central time, and I am sure it will be posted later was well. So with news so close I can almost taste it I find it hard to wright about anything else, I mean I have arranged to take an early lunch at work just so I can watch this thing so maybe I have a problem, but what can I say I am excited, I love this game!
So we all have a lot of questions about the box in question Rebellion in the Rim or as other lovingly call it out here Worms and Wheals, that reminds me of a computer program I used to mess around with as a kid where you would make your own seascape, I called it Wheals and Dolphins, really cant remember the real name of the program now... Anyways I have narrowed my list of questions down to my top 5 questions about the box itself and so that is what we are going to talk about in today's AMM.
1) Do Custom commanders cost points to include in list building?
This one I assume is a no as a 200 point list with a commander is really just not fun and does not feel right. With 200 points and no cost for a commander you can make what I think are some pretty thematic lists like a single ISD with a squadron wing that just feels right, with a commander that cost points to include it just doesn’t feel right. I do think there is some precedent for them to not have points as FFG made the Take the Station 200 point Scenario where you did not even take a commander so I think 200 point games feel right with free commanders, ether way I will try it, but I am hoping that the custom commanders will not have points assigned to them in some way.
2) How In depth is Commander Creation?

So I got fairly excited about the idea of custom commanders, and then FFG said they had people from their RPG side working on this and I got even more excited. I really just want to know how it works and how robust it is. I am guessing there will be certain “class” trees that you can progress down as you commander gains experience and gain new abilities. However can you multi class? What if my commander is part cyborg does that give them any bounces, etc. I hope for something fairly robust, but now overwhelming. I expect at the very least commander class trees, it will be interesting to see just how far they take this and with their RPG group on this I do have some high hopes.
3) How long is each “act” in the camping
So we know there are 3 acts in each campaign, but I am wondering how long each act is. Is it 3 games is it 5? How long does it take to complete a whole campaign? I am guessing a 200 point game will take 45 min to an hour maybe even shorter, so it would be nice to see if we can gauge just how long it would take to run a full campaign.
4) How narratively driven is the Campaign
This is probably my biggest complaint about Corellian Conflict, it just did not feel very narratively driven. I was just playing a slightly larger game of armada where MOV did not matter I just needed that 1 more point than you to win. Everything was always the same as you where ether attacking a base, defending a base or gathering resources and each mission for gathering resources was the same over and over again. I have played a Full Campaign of Corellian Conflict 3 times and I have others that kind of petered out and I think the sameness of the missions and the lack of narrative is what contributes to so many campaigns petering out. Now I am not saying if you like Corellian Conflict you are wrong, it’s just not for me. I am hoping that this box will address the issues that I had with the CC campaign and be more narratively driven and feel more alive and diverse.
5) How many of the generic upgrade cards come in the box?
Okay so from the spread we know there is at least one generic upgrade card in the box,

meaning you can have more than one in a list so my question is with the generic upgrades will I get multiples of it in one box? It is entirely possible that they changed things and there are no generic upgrades anymore, but we won’t know until we see the cards, but it would be nice to not have to buy 4 of these to get the generic upgrades I need, having at least 2 of each non unique upgrade I think would be acceptable.
So there you have it thoughts are my top 5 questions I hope to get answered in tomorrow’s live stream. Of course I want to see the upgrades and objectives, but I don’t see them as questions as all it really takes is to show me the card and well that is all I need. Super excited for the stream tomorrow and I can’t wait to get my hands on this box!