I have been playing around ARC-170s for a little bit and have come to what is likely a controversial conclusion; speed 2 squadrons don’t need speed tech. I tend to have opinions that go against the grain I guess I’m just a rebel.

That’s just fine though AMM is meant to spark discussion. You may disagree with me, but let me present my case, and you can reach your own conclusions.
First, speed boosts don’t help speed 2 squadrons engage ships sooner, nor do they help them engage squadrons sooner if your opponent is smart about squadron placement. Speed 2 squadrons are just as capable of bombing ships on turn 2 as other squadrons.

We deploy the ARC as far forward as we can without putting them in danger of being overlapped by our ship.

after speed 2 maneuvers the arcs move their full speed of 2.

At the top of round two we are able to move the ARC-170's into bombing range this happens regardless of if the recusant veers left or right or goes strait at speed two, if it moves at speed one we just have to wait for it to activate then the ARC's can still jump on it. I think a lot of people will say this is because this scenario was specifically set up to make that happen. It was, but you can do the same thing in your own games, this leads me to my second point.
A lot of people get stuck in this trap of always deploying squadrons to delay the deployment of ships. This is normally a good idea. However, speed 2 squadrons are very unforgiving when it comes to proper positioning. Speed 2 squadrons should be the last thing you deploy stop using them to delay deployment, put them where they need to be. While a speed boost does give you some flexibility in deployment it is not necessary to have speed 2 squadrons perform.
Third, most speed boost tech does not give you the boost when you need it. Hyperspace rings do not help your speed 2 squadrons engage sooner unless you are doing a boosted comms flight commander thing. We have established that speed 2 squadrons can engage ships on turn two just like other squadrons. The fighter Coordination team upgrade gives you the boost after a ship moves which means either you have to invest in a flight commander or have another ship activate the squadrons later in the round and that could be too late. All fighters Follow me is I think the best speed tech, but again is not necessary for speed 2 squadrons to get to the targets they need to be attacking it is insurance. Most ships unless they can go speed 4 or are extremely maneuverable can’t get out of a speed 2 squadron’s threat zone in a single activation once they are in it. This leads me to my fourth and final point.

Once your speed 2 fighters are on a target it is fairly easy for them to stay on target. As long as you make sure that the biggest juiciest target you will be just fine getting value from your speed two squadrons. Speed 2 fighters will struggle in the MSU matchup, but it’s not impossible to get value out of them without speed tech in an MSU matchup. Make sure you always stay on your target once you have it as it can sometimes be difficult to get onto a new one. If you activate before your target predict their movement be where they will be.
I used to think movement speed boost was mandatory when taking speed two squadrons, now I am not convinced. I am in fact leaning the other way, that speed tech boost for speed two squadrons can be an unnecessary point sink or crutch. Maybe I am missing something, but while trying out the ARC-170’s I just found speed tech unnecessary and preventing me from spending points on more meaningful upgrades. What do you think? What has been your experience with speed 2 squadrons? Have you found speed tech to be necessary? Why or why not? Until next time have a great week!
I dunno about this one, chief. With Intel being nerfed, any serious enemy fighter presence will be able to tie the ARCs up for at least one turn, and by then the juicy enemy targets may well have moved out of range. Additionally, if the enemy ship is guarded by even a couple of squads, faster bombers can just pick another target, but speed 2 squads are more than likely going to need to shoot their way through the screen. I agree that speed 2 isn't quite as useless as most people make out, but just having a single Fighter Coordination Team or a one-and-done 'All FIghters Follow Me!' adds a lot of threat to your speed 2 squads and…