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SSD expansion Evaluation Part 3

Welcome to the 3rd part in this series, before we just dive right into it I was hoping that we would be looking at the ship types and their titles, but with time constraints I was really only able to get the evaluation of the titles done, so we will save the ship evaluation for next time. Alright so lets look at the titles for the upcoming SSD.


First up is the Annihilator, lets look at the text (sorry for the low quality image its the best I could get) “while attacking a squadron, you may reroll 1 attack die.” so this card is pretty bonkers, why? Well with two blue dice for flack you have an average of 1 damage, with a reroll on the die that missed well you have a 50/50 to get a damage on blue dice, so if statistics are in your favor that means you will get the damage. So this card give us a pretty good chance of getting 2 damage, but add in Agent Kallus, in essence your SSD becomes a tie fighter that always has swarm when attacking aces, that is pretty crazy. You do have to account for what if my opponent dose not bring squadrons, well yeah its dead weight, but it is gold in the squadron match ups and that is where most SSD lists will probably struggle, so its a good title even if it is niche, because this card can win you a game that you would normally lose.


So the Eclipse is an iconic ship from legends, but I think this card confirms that the Eclipse of Disney cannon is just a regular SSD, a bit sad but we can move on. Anyway lets look at this cards text “when and enemy ship overlaps you, the enemy ship suffers a face up damage card instead of a face down damage card.” So there are still some things that we are unsure of with the SSD, and ramming is one of them does the SSD take ram damage? We really don't know, even without knowing all the little rules about the SSD this card is kinda meh first the ship only takes the face up damage if it rams YOU not if you ram it, so already its kinda niche its a card you have very limited control of getting it to trigger, all it really is is a deterrent so your opponent does not ram you its just a really odd card, I would say if you have points you can put it in your list if you don't want to take anything else, you can put this title in, but I would rather put one of the other titles that are coming up into my list's


So this card is cheaper than Eclipse it is also better, in my honest opinion so for me this card just makes the Eclipse title a dead card. lets look at the Ionic Executor title, “You can be assigned any number of command tokens of any types, instead f a number of command tokens equal to your command value.” Okay, so it might not seam like much but you can acutely do some pretty cool things with this card especially if you have Piett. So this card lets you have 2+ engineering tokens, and that is just as good as a command, I can not find anything that restricts you to only spending one token of a single type during your activation in the RRG or the Learn to Play or in the FAQ, in fact I found something that supports spending more than one of the same token as with Wullf Yularen the FAQ says you can spend the token as soon as you get it back, so there is precedence for the Executor title to work this way. So unless I missed something, and if I did please let me know, or FFG FAQ's this guy, you can stock up 6 engineering tokens and then dump them to resolve an engineering command and get 12 engineering, that is rules as written it might get FAQed, but again seams pretty good to me. You put Piett on this guy with Wullf Yularen have comms nets supporting this guy, you can get in essence 3 full commands with this bad boy, perhaps I am missing something, this title just seams so good the only downside I can see is that you have to build around it to get the value out of it but that is no problem to me, for the insane amount of value you can get out of this card.


Okay so we have our last title and well its pretty good too lets look at Ravager's text “Con fire: Your Con fire tokens can ether reroll 1 attack die or add 1 die to your attack pool. If you add a die that die must be of a color already in your attack pool.” So really all this card does is make it so your con fire tokens can add a die and not reroll a die if you wish, that is pretty nice especially when paired with Director Krennic you can pump out a lot of extra damage with this guy on your ship, this card also makes your side arch's much more scary for one shot. It is solid, and seams like a fun card.

If I had to rate the cards as is I would put Executor (this could change biased on rulings) first mostly due to price for benefit, followed by Annihilator it can just give you way more value than you would think, then followed very closely by Ravager, and in a fairly distant last place would be Eclipse. I think that you can make an argument for taking any of the titles, other than Eclipse, at least for now it just is very underwhelming to me. So in essence if I don't feel like building around the Executor, I will take ether Annihilator, if I want to do more damage to squadrons, or Ravager, if I want to boost my ship to ship firepower, and will really never take Eclipse it just feels like a bad card to me.

So there you have it, what do you think of the SSD titles? How would you rate them? Don't forget that we will still be having game night until the 18th of this month so come out tomorrow and play a game or two, again thank you so much for all your support!

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