I have played around with a few cards that I have not seen in quite some time. So I thought I was time for another Good the bad and Ugly. What card will be good what will be bad and who will be the Ugly one out well here we go.
The Good
So I have only played with this card recently so maybe my praise of it is just about it being something new, but looking at the effect I has had on the two games I have used it in its a pretty nice card. First it is very versatile, in that it can damage both ships and squadron. So your ships can attack ships and still support the squadron game so that is nice, but if squadrons are not nearby than well there is always ships it can deal some extra damage to. However what if no ships and squadrons are at close range is it just a wasted 2 points well, no, because ships don’t want to be too close to each other this can have a sort of area denial effect, and for just two points it’s not terrible.
The biggest issue with this card currently is that there are very few ships that can make it work well your going to want to get at the very least 2 damage out of it meaning you need black 3 dice minimum, but getting 3 is the ideal meaning you would need 5 total black dice to pull that off and only a handful of ships in the game can pull that off namely 2 one from each faction a GSD 1 with a con-fire out the side and the MC-75 ordinance with ether ex-racks in the second ordinance slot or expanded Launchers. So the field of use for this card is pretty limiting, however the rebellion has a commander that can increases the effectiveness of this card for many of its ships with WAB that is commander Sato.
Sure Sato is not the hotness right now, but he pushes the Assault pelta with a con fire and the MC-30 to get the 3 extra damage from WAB, he can also make the Torpedo Hammerhead a nice little plink of extra damage from WAB as well. I will say the ship choice is still very limited but with a few more cards like WAB that are more about the color of dice you are rolling then just getting exclusively getting a crit sato might make a comeback. Another great thing about WAB and sato is that sato is easily countered by ships with evades, but if you target a ship without an evade with WAB then you will be able to tack damage onto that annoying ship with an evade. WAB is good just held back by the limited amount of ships that can effectively run it and because of that maybe it should be in the ugly category as it is niche, but I’m putting it here because of its versatility.
The Bad
So this guy is just feels like a bad Troyon Far, for whatever resin that is how I see him. He is bad because well it say non-heavy, I will tell you right now this guy would probably be okay if he did not have that non-heavy restriction, I mean I can understand not wanting to have a tie bomber swarm with counter one, but because intel exists and gives squadrons heavy this guy is so easily countered.
If you do want to run him you really need to take out Intel if your opponent has it so its important to bring along the ships that can bring intel down. IG-88 and Saber squadron are good options, mauler, Gar, and Boba, are also options to help get direct damage onto an Intel ship, also Colonel Jendon paired with Saber or IG will help get that damage on as well.
At the end of the day in order to get value out of Goran squadrons have to attack your squadrons, and your squadrons can not have heavy given to them normally or thought intel. Intel will also allow other squadrons to not attack them anyway. So what is Goran going to do for you? Well like Troyan Farr he will get you that little extra damage on fighters to finish them off but does it in a more awkward way, as the fighter that you want to get that extra damage on has to attack your fighters, and your opponent can play around this.
He is just a hard card to get value out of, once squadrons are engaged he can make it so that you get a few extra damage here and there, he is best on Gozantis and Raiders, in my option as they are ships that want to be close the the squadron fight, and you should run a squadrons complement somewhat like this to counter Intel and help get value out of him.
• Saber Squadron (12) • IG-88 (21) • 4 x TIE Fighter Squadron (32) = 65 Points
however he is just bad at what he is meant to do and so that makes him a bad card plain and simple, I want him to work I have tried several times, but I always find him lacking, if you have found a way to make him work please let me know.
The Ugly
Okay put simply this card is the only card that can give you an extra dice that is not a modification. You pay the price for it, and it is conditional on you getting an accuracy. So this is pretty niche as there are not many modifications that don’t already take up the turbolaser slot in fact we only have 5 Expanded Launchers, High-Capacity Ion Turbines, Phylon Q7 Tractor Beams, Rapid Reload, and Redundant Shields. So if you find yourself taking any of thoughts upgrades and want something that give you extra dice in the turbolaser slot this is your best bet.
When taking this card you will need a way to reroll the extra dice granted to you if you get the accuracy, also having a guaranteed way of getting the accuracy is nice as well, though these are far and few between. Though it is not terrible as a second turbolaser slot on a ship is not a bad option especially if you already have an upgrade that gives you an extra dice this is gives you another so right now that is cymoon and MC-80 Libirity.
Home one is really the only option to get guaranteed accuraices that the MC-80 has and well that adds up pretty quickly, and Jonous is really the only option for the Empire. The Libirity can take Cataken and Shollan for rerolls and leading shots as well if it really wants to get crazy(might have to try that), thought rerolls for the Cymoon are really only found with Vader at the moment so it is a little lacking. Again its just and upgrade that is so rigid right now, but with a little help it could become an decent upgrade.
Well that is it for this week do you agree with my assessment or have you had different experiences with these cards? Let me know and until next time have a great week everyone!