This week I got my providence expansions. It will be the only ships from the new wave that I will have for a month or so it looks like. The providence was probably the ship I was the least excited about. However with it being the only ship I will have for sometime I really started to dive into what I could do with it, and now I am a bit more excited about it, let me show you some of my ideas and why I am excited for them.
Providence Carrier (105) • Rune Haako (4) • Thermal Shields (5) • Intensify Firepower! (6) = 120 Points
I have always been excited about getting access to the fleet command slot for the CIS. This is just a simple self sufficient ship IF is really all the dice fixing it needs as the dice pools are relativity small and just changes one dice to an extra damage is really all you need. With thermal shields you can take larger shots and shrug it off. Its a simple cheap self sufficient flagship option that also boost the rest of your fleet. What if we want a ship that can pack a real punch?
Providence Dreadnought (105) • Shu Mai (4) • Boarding Troopers (3) • External Racks (4) • Quad Battery Turrets (5) = 121 Points
So while Shu Mai is not out, at least for me I think they are the best way to get re-rolls on this build. While the Providence is one of the few ships that I like leading shots on, I am weary of it, as if I don't get the added blue from QBTs thermal shields can easily rip the blue dice I have out of my attack pool making leading shots useless. When this ship gets into close range the ship it attacks is likely going down. With squadron 4 and boarding troopers you are going to put a lot of presser on defense tokens. Your side with QBTs will be 7 dice and your front with ex-racks and QBT will be 8 dice. If a ship survives that its likely hanging on by a thread with little to no defense tokens left to work with.
Oddly I think the dreadnought is the better carrier option because of its access to flight controllers. You can take a fairly cheap battle carrier with the providence, and push 6 squadrons very consistently.
Providence Dreadnought (105) • Rune Haako (4) • Flight Controllers (6) • Expanded Hangar Bay (5) • Linked Turbolaser Towers (7) = 127 Points
The Providence is also as of right now the best ordnance platform the separatists have, a Recusant with TF-1726 might also work, but the providence is the most flexible in delivering black crit effects. Even though the crit effects have been hit by only being able to trigger once per activation they are still good.
Providence Dreadnought (105) • Ordnance Experts (4) • Assault Concussion Missiles (5) • Linked Turbolaser Towers (7) • Lucid Voice (8) = 129 Points
I have had a few people say to me the Providence seams to be an upgrade hungry ship, and I think I would have to disagree. Just like the ISD you can put a lot of upgrade on it to make it work, but you can get away with only a few upgrades you don't need to “Christmas Tree” the thing to get it to work. I think the above builds are good examples of this, and I could even see an argument to slim each of them down a little. Now it can be fun to have all the bells and wistles so lets take a look at a few ideas.
Providence Carrier (105) • Wat Tambor (5) • Thermal Shields (5) • Shields to Maximum! (6) • External Racks (4) • Point Defense Ion Cannons (4) • Linked Turbolaser Towers (7) • Invincible (5) • Reinforced Blast Doors (5) = 146 Points
This is a ship that will never die. I like the idea of STM with Wat as STM gives other ships more shields to feed the powerhouse that is Wat. Wat will give you shields or help you recover hull whatever you need. Thermal shields makes sure the dice pools you are dealing with are always fairly small, Blast Doors deals with anything that gets to the hull, when at close range ex-racks help pump out more damage and Point Defense Ion Cannons will help you to further reduce incoming damage. This ship will be incredibility hard to take down, and can still dish out a respectable amount of damage.
Providence Dreadnought (105) • Local Fire Control (4) • Flak Guns (3) • External Racks (4) • Leading Shots (6) • Quad Battery Turrets (5) • DBY-827 Heavy Turbolasers (3) • Invincible (5) • Thermal Shields (5) = 140 Points
This guy is a salvo machine, Flack Guns give the black die in the rear the extra range it needs and DBYs make it a for sure hit crit. While your opponent will be able to take this down and will likely want to before it can really hit hard once it gets into close range they are really going to pay for it with the salvo attacks they will take.
These are just a few of my ideas, and some of the reasons why I am more excited about he providence then I was at first, and think it has a lot of potential. Once I get some more playtime with the ships we will start to do more in depth ship analysis, as I would like a good amount of games under my belt with each ship and its variants before a full fleshed out analysis. What are you most excited about with the providence? Until next time have a great week.