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We Would be Honored if You Jonus

At our local game night we have been giving out the next batch of cards so that is what I will be talking about in this weeks AMM the extended art card for Gamma squadron and Captain Jonus, and how to use them, I love both of these squadrons and well let me tell you why.

Gamma Squadron

So gamma squadron cost one point more than a tie bomber and it doesn’t seam to gain much over a normal tie bomber. The only change is it loses heavy and gains grit.  This might seem insignificant, but it gives Gamma Squadron a unique roll in a fighter wing.

Imperial squadron complements are interesting in that for the most part it’s a balancing act of having enough space superiority fighters, while balancing out your anti-ship to make sure your investment in squadrons is not for nothing if you encounter someone with no squadrons, and gamma is one of the best squadrons to help round out an imperial fighter wing in maintaining that balance.

Gamma squadron because it lacks heavy can stay on the outside of a squadron fight an tie down a single fighter, and because of gammas 5 hull your opponent will ether spend 3ish of there squadron attacks on gamma to free up a single squadron or let that single squadron chip away at Gammas health, and gamma because it is only engaged by a single squadron can always pull out of the fight or have him go do a bombing run.  Gama squadron is extremely flexible sure he probably won’t kill a squadron mono el mono, but the fact that he can tie them down and bomb ships really can add great flexibility to any squadron wing.

 Captain Jonus

Captain Jonus is probably my favorite Imperil squadron.  I don’t run him as much as I used to as I like to switch things up but he brings a very interesting presence to the table. So lets see what hes got, so Jonus also has grit like gamma squadron making him harder to tie down, he does however have heavy so we won’t be tying anyone up any squadrons for you, but with grit your opponent needs to commit 2 squadrons to tying this guy down and with the rather large impact he can have on the game with his pilot ability well their going to want to do that. Jonus ability to give ship accuracies especially against ships without multiple of the same defense tokens or ECM can really be the difference between life and death.

With that in mind if you position Jonus just outside the main fighter scuffle but still In position to threaten a ship with his ability and with speed 4 that should not be to difficult. You force your opponent to ether let Jonus move around freely getting his ability to get accuracies on key ships, or send two squadrons away from the main engagement to deal with him, and with 5 hull and two braces that might take a little while.

Obtusely Jonus gets better if you build around wanting accuracies to pull off shenanigans, but he also works just fine threatening ships with his accuracy generation.  Jonus can help you take out a good chunk of your opponents ships with his accuracy generation he is a threat your opponent really needs to deal with so he will ether act as a fairly substantial speed bump in the squadron game, or will make a big impact in the ship to ship game, its a win win.

Maybe you don’t want him to get tied up before getting close to a ship to provide accuracy bonus you don't need intel put him in an obstacle and he will have no problem getting into the position you want him to be in, also again grit is a thing. Jonus is a solid choice in almost any imperil list.

Gamma squadron and Captain Jonus love them both and grit is really an under rated ability in the game.  They can fit into really any Imperial squadron wing so if you’re looking to round out a squadron wing you can't go wrong with one or both of these guys.

It is an exciting week, on Wednesday we have the in flight repot where it was confirmed we would get some new ships plural announced so at least 2, maybe even some details on next years upcoming clone wars. Then on Friday we will have the SSD in our hands mine will be getting a new paint job so that is how I will spend this upcoming weekend. What are your plans for the SSD? What do you think we will get at the in flight report? how do you use Jonus or Gamma Squadron? Share your ideas, and until next time have a great week!

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