I recently played against a Dodonna list and it seemed like he was mostly in there to be cheap. However, looking back I wondered why it was not Agate. Dodonna did give one of a ship’s structural damage, but in the end, was not as impactful as I think Agate could have been in keeping my opponent’s flagship alive for the same cost. So I just started thinking what kind of list could Dodonna be in that I would want him other than Agate?
Not long ago I had a Dodonna MSU list that I really enjoyed before 1.5, That used Dodonna’s Pride with blast door engine techs, and leading shots with Toryn not far away to do stupid amounts of hull damage I did get lucky enough with a first last and several structurals to take a full health ISD to dead without having to worry about shields or really defense tokens ether. However, the double ram gimmick is gone, probably for the best so I reworked it.
MC30c Torpedo Frigate (63)
• General Dodonna (20)
• Ordnance Experts (4)
• Assault Proton Torpedoes (4)
• Foresight (8)
= 99 Points
Hammerhead Torpedo Corvette (36)
• Assault Proton Torpedoes (4)
= 40 Points
Hammerhead Torpedo Corvette (36)
• Assault Proton Torpedoes (4)
• Garel's Honor (4)
= 44 Points
CR90 Corvette B (39)
• Dodonna's Pride (6)
= 45 Points
GR-75 Medium Transports (18)
• Parts Resupply (3)
= 21 Points
GR-75 Medium Transports (18)
• Slicer Tools (7)
• Quantum Storm (1)
= 26 Points
• Malee Hurra (26)
• Ketsu Onyo (22)
• Dash Rendar (24)
• Lando Calrissian (23)
• Rogue Squadron (14)
• Gold Squadron (12)
= 121 Points
Total Points: 396
I just dont like it as much as the original Dodonnas pride can still really put the hurt on with a few lucky structurals, but the double ram just pushed it over the edge. It is not absolutely terrible but it just does not feel as satisfying to run with fewer aces and no double ram due to new rules it’s just not as fun or even that great.
I started thinking with a lot of lists giving up their contain token for a salvo nowadays maybe Dodonna could start being the squadron commander?
MC80 Command Cruiser (106)
• General Dodonna (20)
• Ahsoka Tano (2)
• Engine Techs (8)
• Electronic Countermeasures (7)
= 143 Points
MC30c Torpedo Frigate (63)
• Ordnance Experts (4)
• Assault Proton Torpedoes (4)
• Foresight (8)
= 79 Points
GR-75 Medium Transports (18)
• Parts Resupply (3)
= 21 Points
GR-75 Medium Transports (18)
• Toryn Farr (7)
• Bomber Command Center (8)
• Bright Hope (2)
= 35 Points
• Gold Squadron (12)
• Norra Wexley (17)
• Luke Skywalker (20)
• Biggs Darklighter (19)
• Wedge Antilles (19)
• 3 x Y-wing Squadron (30)
= 117 Points
Total Points: 395
I like this one a little bit better, but I can’t help but think Agate would just make the Carrier more durable, So I am not really sold on this idea either. I also think ACM might pair better with squads than APTs. So maybe something different maybe something that is meant to just get straight to eating away hull?
MC80 Battle Cruiser (103)
• General Dodonna (20)
• Weapons Battery Techs (5)
• Point Defense Ion Cannons (4)
• XI7 Turbolasers (6)
• XX-9 Turbolasers (5)
= 143 Points
MC30c Torpedo Frigate (63)
• Ordnance Experts (4)
• Assault Proton Torpedoes (4)
• XI7 Turbolasers (6)
= 77 Points
MC30c Torpedo Frigate (63)
• Ordnance Experts (4)
• Assault Proton Torpedoes (4)
• XI7 Turbolasers (6)
= 77 Points
Hammerhead Torpedo Corvette (36)
• Cham Syndulla (5)
• Garel's Honor (4)
= 45 Points
GR-75 Medium Transports (18)
• Comms Net (2)
= 20 Points
• Tycho Celchu (16)
• Shara Bey (17)
= 33 Points
Total Points: 395
This one feels a little better start drilling for the hull with XI7’s and ATP on the 30’s and XX-9 on the Liberty to really fish for the structural to help burn down ships fast. Other crits might be worth considering in certain circumstances. You also have Cham to mess with a large ship dial’s and that could be very helpful in some matchups. While I like this one the most I am not sold on it.
What do you think? How have you gotten Dodonna to work for you as a commander? Do you think he is a good option as a commander if so why? Or is Dodonna dead in the water? Until next time have a great week!