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What To Do With Two Turbolasers?

So with the change in 1.5 half of the turbolaser upgrades are now modifications this starts to seriously limit the options ships with two turbolasers have limited options. There are not many ships that have two trubolaser slots 5 400 points legal ship total: both versions of the liberty, Cymoon, SSD Assult prototype, and the providence dreadnought. So what are some options for double trubolaser ships?

If your ship is red dice heavy LTT is pretty much a no-brainer in fact LTT on almost any ship is good so you could slap this on and your choice of modification. If you are going slow QBTs, if your attacking out your front spinals may not be a bad option ether or H9s for the for sure accuracy, or even DBYs if you are going to a salvo build. These are all solid choices however a lot of the time I still find myself taking LTT and leaving the second slot empty.

I then thought that we could use heavy fire zone, however, only the providence dreadnought has a blue dice to trigger the card effect. It can take LTT in tandem with HFZ its not terrible get some damage on a few squadrons from long range or you get to use LTT to snipe a squad from long range. However, the Munificent can do this just fine at a much cheaper cost for the CIS with its native red anti-squadron die and LTT.

So what other options do we have for double turbolaser ships? So I started looking at weird options to see if there is some way to breathe a bit of new life into ships with double turbolasers.

MC80 Star Cruiser (96)

• Sensor Team (5)

• SW-7 Ion Batteries (5)

• Quad Turbolaser Cannons (10)

• XI7 Turbolasers (6)

= 122 Points

This build is pretty simple but it is for sure weird. SW-7 makes sure this guy gets at least 4 damage on every medium-range attack, and XI7 makes redirect useless Quad Turbolaser Cannons paired with Sensor Team means you will get two accuracies one for the salvo and one for the brace. You will do 4-5 damage but in most cases it will stick, however with thermals running around it will be a pain to deal with so it relegated this ship mostly to picking on little guys if thermal shields are in play.

MC80 Battle Cruiser (103)

• Caitken and Shollan (6)

• Nav Team (4)

• Spinal Armament (9)

• Linked Turbolaser Towers (7)

• Mon Karren (6)

= 135 Points

So this is one of those boring LTT+another trubolaser but I do really like the nave team so that Mon Karren can use confire dials to chuck 6 red with Caitken and Shollan while still getting extra clicks from nav tokens. You need a way to get those nav tokens but it’s a pretty solid ship.

ISD Cymoon 1 Refit (112)

• Captain Needa (2)

• Intensify Firepower! (6)

• Gunnery Chief Varnillian (6)

• Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (7)

• Quad Turbolaser Cannons (10)

= 143 Points

Another kind of outside-the-box type of build Gunnery Chief Varnillian can be very useful either dropping in a red accuracy when you don’t have one or by saving one of your doubles to drop in when you can use QTC to lock up key defense tokens. This can kill little ships from range and wear down the big guys its main issue is can it do it better than an Onager? Probably not.

SSD Assault Prototype (250)

• Reeva Demesne (4)

• Emperor Palpatine (3)

• Director Krennic (8)

• Local Fire Control (4)

• Flak Guns (3)

• Ion Cannon Batteries (5)

• SW-7 Ion Batteries (5)

• Quad Battery Turrets (5)

• DBY-827 Heavy Turbolasers (3)

• Ravager (4)

= 294 Points

I just love the idea of a salo SSD they have to attack it you are point fortressing and between Palpatine, Reeva, and your salvo you are going to start overheating tokens pretty fast follow up with a big hit from Ravager and you got an annoying ship.

Providence Dreadnought (105)

• Kraken (30)

• Weapons Battery Techs (5)

• External Racks (4)

• Quad Turbolaser Cannons (10)

• Linked Turbolaser Towers (7)

• Invincible (5)

• Thermal Shields (5)

= 171 Points

So with this build, it is very specifically a Kraken build, you can use LTT to fish for red crits or Kraken can guarantee you one on one attack. Having at least one accuracy is almost always a good thing with salvo and two can sometimes be nice but if you don’t need that second accuracy WBT will change it into some more damage for you.

I really want to expand my trubolaser horizons beyond LTT and I think ships that have two trubolaser slots are a good place to start. LTT has almost become the ex-racks of turbolaser slots so I am hopeful that expanding out and trying some of these more unique options on ships with double turbolaser upgrade slots will make me branch out and maybe start taking other turbolasers on other ships. Until next time have a great week!

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